
Police to enforce city’s leash law

Better put that dog on a leash

Huntington Beach Police are considering a plan to more rigorously

enforce the city’s dog laws, which require that an animal be on a

leash at all times outside of its home.

Police Chief Ken Small said he’s received a number of calls from

residents complaining about encountering dogs not on leashes at


“Most of the complaints we get are from people with kids,” Small


City law requires animals to be on leashes at all times, even at

city parks. The only area in which dogs are allowed off leash are at

the dog run in Central Park.

Once the beach crowds begin to die down, Small said, he and his

officers will come up with a strategy to inform residents about the


“This has been going on for a long time,” he said. “We don’t have

ability to do much in summertime, but toward end of the summer, we’re

going to start educating people.”

That might mean stationing at parks volunteers who would hand out

fliers to would-be lawbreakers. Eventually, officers might actively

ticket residents who allow their dogs to run off leash.
