
Rohrabacher, his bill are embarrassing Rep. Dana...

Rohrabacher, his bill are embarrassing

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher is the poorest excuse for a representative

(“Rep. ties up foreign aid,” July 7). Rohrabacher and his bill are

clearly serving his own purposes in helping “new” pal Petros Berhane

repurchas the factory in question.

Rohrabacher’s new little surf pal certainly hit the jackpot

paddling out with a member of the House of Representatives -- how


Rohrabacher calls the international community “a bunch of wimps,”

as his proposals affect 70 million people -- but who cares, we have

to look out for Dana’s surf buddy.

Something stinks here and its not the river jetties in Newport.

Rohrabacher has always been an embarrassment and how he holds

office is still baffling in my book.


Huntington Beach

Dana Rohrabacher sounds like Dornan

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher is a buffoon and an embarrassment; he is

sounding more like Robert Dornan every time he opens his mouth.


Huntington Beach

A soundly sleeping rep. doesn’t stir

Surely Dana Rohrabacher sleeps well at night, not from a clean

conscience, but because he has none at all. Despicable!


Huntington Beach

A war chest in

need of filling

I am not surprised at all by this action. The extreme right of the

Republican Party has always acted with impunity toward their affluent

backers and anyone else with money they may be able to get their

hands on. I can’t help but think Rep. Dana Rohrabacher sees a “golden

goose” in this story, and if he can get this money for the family,

they will be duly thankful, and his “war chest” for his next campaign

will be full.


Huntington Beach

Close call, but

logo 2 wins this race

I would narrow down to either Logo 1 or Logo 2 because both of

these feature the Huntington Beach Pier, a great landmark here.

The final choice should be Logo 2 as it is more dynamic, featuring

a surfer on a rare well-shaped right wave and prominent bold font

“HB” written long hand underneath (easier to read than Logo 1).


Huntington Beach

Fireworks need to stop lighting the sky

Yet another Fourth of July has come and gone and the use of

illegal fireworks (as well as the safe and sane type) is still

ongoing, probably more than I have ever seen in past years. In fact,

in the north Huntington Beach neighborhood in which I live, there

were at least half a dozen “fireworks shows” that could have given

the nightly summertime Disneyland display some competition.

It seems like the more the public is educated and/or notified of

the ordinance not to do them, people are ignoring the law, on

purpose, and don’t care about public safety and property. Also,

amazingly, while I was driving to and from home I was met with dirty

looks and scoffing by party hosts and spectators as if I was in the

wrong by being in the public street and impeding their illegal


I called the city’s fireworks hotline to report the residents I

saw in violation, but it sounded like they were so overwhelmed with

calls -- and there shouldn’t have been any in the first place! -- the

nice phone operator merely took my information and the addresses just

as a formality.

Not only did these people willfully engage in disturbing the peace

and safety of the neighborhood, they also clearly sent a negative

message to their own kids that it’s OK to break the law and they also

probably contributed to the mental instability of many household pets



Huntington Beach

Costco not the right buy for Wards

In response to “Eminent buyer for Wards” article of June 30:

When the new mall on Edinger is completed as Bella Terra, which

has been projected as upscale, what we don’t need is a warehouse

store like Costco. We thought the new mall was to compete with

Westminster Mall. How does a Costco compete with Robinsons-May or

Macy’s? What we need to have is a quality department store in this

mall -- neither Mervyns nor Kohl’s qualifies -- and we seem to be

stuck with the coat factory. The Montgomery Wards property would be

ideal for a real upscale addition to Bella Terra.

Councilman Keith Bohr who lives downtown has no interest in our

end of town other than dollars, regardless of upscale or downscale.

We have to put up with the 99-cents store at Springdale and Edinger,

and the swap meet at Golden West College. Let us try for something

better when we have the chance.


Huntington Beach

Costco first, then fix the streets

Yes, please let’s have a Costco on the site of the old Montgomery

Wards. I’m sure it would be welcomed by lots and lots of folks and

the traffic wouldn’t be new to anyone. And let’s put the first $81

million or so to work fixing the washboard streets of Huntington

Beach. They are getting worse all the time, and no one seems at all

interested in fixing them.

Jan Ferry

Huntington Beach
