
Float, float, float your boat

We all got a little look, and smell, of the future last week when

Newport Beach leaders revealed the design for the planned Rose Parade

float, which is becoming a central part of the city’s centennial


Playing off the celebration’s “Sailing Through a Century” theme,

the float -- all 55 feet and 40,000 pounds of it -- will have boats,

dolphins and a big ol’ clam.

The event was the official start of the centennial, which will

pick up in earnest in October with a big party at the Newport Dunes.

Before then, though, there needs to be growing excitement for the

yearlong festivities, and what better way to do that than by getting

everybody pumped up for national and international publicity on Jan.


Of course, the question just has to be asked: Does this idea float

your boat?

It certainly seems like a good way to start to us.
