
1. Which governor came to UC Irvine...

1. Which governor came to UC Irvine this week to propose a plan to

educate more math and science teachers for public schools?

A. Jeb Bush of Florida

B. George Pataki of New York

C. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California

D. Bob Riley of Alabama

2. UC Irvine received how much money this week to establish a

research center dedicated to combating bioterrorism and infectious


A. $10 million

B. $15 million

C. $20 million

D. $40 million

3. Which soccer tournament has been going on this week?

A. World Cup

B. Daily Pilot Cup

C. Major League Soccer playoffs

D. Minor League Soccer playoffs

4. Who was appointed by President Bush this week as the new head

of the Securities and Exchange Commission?

A. Rep. Chris Cox

B. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher

C. Former Rep. Bob Dornan

D. Donald Bren

5. As part of the city’s centennial, Newport Beach leaders hope to

have a float in which parade?

A. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

B. Rose Parade

C. Balboa Island Parade

D. Huntington Beach’s Fourth of July Parade

6. An Orange County Grand Jury report determined what about

red-light cameras?

A. They seem to reduce accidents

B. There’s no telling exactly how much money cities are making off

the tickets

C. Civilian workers should handle the tickets, freeing up sworn


D. All of the above

7. What’s the deadline for people to submit an application for the

appointment process to replace outgoing Newport Beach Mayor Steve


A. Today

B. Monday

C. Friday

D. I don’t care; I want it to go to a vote!

8. The El Matador restaurant got a new what this week?

A. Paint job

B. Menu

C. Owner

D. Location

9. Opponents of Coast Community College District trustee Armando

Ruiz, who say he’s abused the state’s pension system and misled

voters, want him to do what?

A. Admit to his faults in a public meeting

B. Be recalled from his seat

C. Retire one more time

D. Run for reelection

10. Tony Orlando of iSold It in Costa Mesa wants to see your what?

A. Car

B. Old clothes

C. Furniture

D. All of the above and more

ANSWERS: 1: C; 2: D; 3: B; 4: A; 5: B; 6: D; 7: C; 8: C; 9: B; 10:

