
Blood drive is coming

The American Red Cross of Orange County will hold a blood drive from

1 to 7 p.m. April 19 at St. Peter’s By the Sea Presbyterian Church,

16871 Bolsa Chica St.

A drawing for a pair for baseball tickets to see the Angels will

be held to thank donors.

The Spring Blood Drive is held in response to a critical need for

all blood types. Type O negative is the universal blood donor and is

the blood type with the highest demand.

Blood donors must be 17 or older, at least 110 pounds, be healthy

and not at risk for any blood-born diseases.

To enhance blood safety, the Red Cross questions all blood donors

about medical history and behavior. Each blood donation is tested for

infectious diseases, including Hepatitis and HIV.

The blood drawing will be held in the church’s Fellowship Hall.

Walk-ins are welcome, however, appointments are appreciated.

Information: (714) 846-6641 or (714) 625-1992.
