
The American Cancer Society’s Huntington Beach Relay...

The American Cancer Society’s Huntington Beach Relay for Life

Planning Committee held a kickoff party on Feb. 24 at the Meadowlark

Golf Club in preparation for the 11th annual Huntington Beach Relay

for Life to be held on June 4 and 5 at Golden West College. Rep. Dana

Rohrabacher (R -- Huntington Beach) and Mayor Jill Hardy addressed

the community and encouraged attendees to participate in the fight

against cancer. Members of the Huntington Beach Fire Department and

the Huntington Beach Police Department also attended to show their

support ... Erin C. Silverlake, a Huntington Beach resident, was

recently named to the College of Arts and Sciences’ Dean’s List at

Pacific University in Forest Grove, Ore. To make the dean’s list,

students must earn a grade-point average of 3.7 or higher.

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