
‘There’s a lot we can do’

Elia Powers

When eighth-grade students at TeWinkle Middle School returned from

winter break last week, they were greeted with a one-word message on

Katie Gajda’s white board: “Tsunami.”

Distressed by graphic, full-page photographs accompanying a recent

cover story in Newsweek magazine, Gajda decided to start a

student-led discussion on the Dec. 26 disaster.

That conversation led to Gajda’s classroom challenge: Raise $500

in relief money to send overseas.

With the help of more than 150 students, their families and a

select group of school teachers, including fellow eighth-grade

history instructor Jackie Browne, Gajda had that amount in her hand

the following day.

The total had doubled by day two. So Gajda adjusted the initial

goal and spent each morning motivating her students to continue their

fundraising efforts.

In five days, the group raised almost $6,000.

“I was overcome with happiness when I saw how generous the

contributions were,” said Gajda, who also teaches advanced-level

college preparatory classes.

After meeting with Sarath Keenawinna, the father of one of her

students, Gajda had a good understanding of the donation options.

“We didn’t realize how far our money could go in Sri Lanka,” Gajda

said. “It was amazing to hear what we could do.”

Much of the class’ money likely will go toward the construction of

a 750-square-foot, two-bedroom, one-bathroom house in Sri Lanka that

has an estimated $4,000 price tag. Working with an organization

called Sarvodaya, the class also hopes its money will help replace

fishing boats and buy new bicycles for needy Sri Lankan citizens.

Keenawinna said the organization is awaiting word from the Sri

Lankan government before sending the money.

Gajda’s classes also collected medical supplies, food and clothing

that will go to Sri Lanka via a Buddhist church in Pasadena. Fifteen

boxes were carted into a truck on Tuesday, and the rest, covering an

entire wall of her classroom, was picked up on Thursday.

Eighth-grade student Upeka Keenawinna said she feels a connection

to those who have suffered in the disaster and is glad to do her part

to help.

Her parents spent much of their lives in Sri Lanka, and the family

has a handful of family members still living there. None of her

relatives was hurt in the tsunami, but Upeka said she knows plenty of

residents weren’t as lucky.

“This feels good because we are helping people all over,” said

Upeka who moved to Southern California in 2001. “We aren’t

billionaires, but we can still make a difference.”

And many of her 13-year-old classmates did.

Jenna Tanner convinced two local corporations -- Current

Solutions, Inc. and the Lewis A. Kingsley Foundation -- to donate

$500 to the effort. She brought in about $1,500 in total, Gajda said.

Catherine Baer donated her Christmas money to the fund. Mariah

Bailey donated $52 in lieu of buying a new pair of shoes.

Danny Martinez racked his closet looking for clothing and asked

everyone in his family to contribute.

Students made the fundraising into a friendly competition. Mostly,

they said they were looking to give a permanent gift to Sri Lanka.

“I saw the damage done to some of the places, and I decided

there’s a lot we can do,” Jenna said.

Classmate Storm Hagen said he would like to visit the future Sri

Lankan home once the rebuilding efforts are complete.

Gajda said her students have become more interested in world

affairs and community service since beginning the fundraising


“I told them everyday this week: ‘This is what makes me proud to

be your teacher,’” she said.
