
Laguna Art Museum is exhibiting “The OsCene:...

Laguna Art Museum is exhibiting “The OsCene: Contemporary Art and

Culture in OC,” “Jody Zellen: Other Places,” “The Many Faces of Roger

Armstrong” and “Surf Culture Redux” through Feb. 27.

“The OsCene: Contemporary Art and Culture in Orange County,”

exhibit involves diverse media including painting, drawing,

sculpture, photography, multi-media, video/film. Sound/music,

architecture and tattoo art.

Additional lectures, panels, film screenings and music

performances are scheduled throughout the exhibit.

Laguna Art Museum’s “Talk of the Town Lecture” series will be at 1

p.m. Jan. 30, featuring artist Roger Armstrong.

The artist and curator of collections Janet Blake will discuss

Armstrong’s mini-retrospective of watercolors created over the past


A watercolor workshop/demonstration will follow. Free with paid


Laguna Art Museum, 307 Cliff Drive. For information, call (949)

494-8971. https://
