
Costa Mesa seeks board members The Costa...

Costa Mesa seeks

board members

The Costa Mesa City Council is seeking community members to serve

on its access, building, housing and fire code board of appeal. The

board hears and decides on appeals of orders, decisions or

determinations made by the Building Official or Fire Marshal relative

to the application and interpretation of the building code, the

housing code and the fire code.

The State Health and Safety Code requires that two board members

be physically handicapped and two board members be experienced in


Interested applicants are encouraged to request and complete a

committee interest form from the City Clerk’s office or from the

website Forms may hand-delivered to

the City Manager’s office, located at City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa

Mesa. The deadline for submission is 5 p.m. today. Appointments will

be made in January by the City Council.

For more information, contact Burt Morgan, chief plans examiner,

at (714) 754-5273.

Holiday volunteer directory available

The 14th annual holiday directory of Info Link Orange County is

now available.

The directory, a collaborative effort with the Volunteer Center

Orange County, lists community-based services that are available to

individuals and families in need. It also lists the volunteer


Agency listings are organized by services provided and

volunteering opportunities for Thanksgiving and the December holiday

season. Listings are available both countywide and in specific


Typical services include food and gift baskets, clothing and toys,

meals for seniors, Adopt-A-Family programs and meal preparation and


The directory can be obtained by either calling Info Link at

1-888-600-4357. It can be downloaded from the net at
