
Different view of the Planning Commission

Planning Commissioner Kristin Stilton characterized the Planning

Commission in a letter as dysfunctional and criticized the actions of

its members. She also stated in an interview that the commission has

lost its purpose. I have found the opposite in my year and a half on

the Planning Commission. The commission has approved projects that

will yield significant economic benefits to Huntington Beach,

including a new Lowe’s store, Pacific City and the Target store

rebuilding on Brookhurst Street. The commission approved a new

Calvary Chapel on Edinger Avenue and recommended permit changes to

make it easier for businesses to locate and stay in our city. It made

difficult decisions on a through-lot ordinance, three-story house

expansions, and denial of a Downtown restaurant dance permit. A

dysfunctional commission could never accomplish these actions.

Stilton has been on the Planning Commission for three months and

attended five meetings, which is not enough time to pass judgment on

this government body. In their first few months new commissioners

must learn complex land-use codes and policies and conflict of

interest, ethics and open meeting laws. There are tight rules and

protocols to follow. Relationships must be built with fellow

commissioners, staff members and stakeholders. This overwhelming task

of learning can lead to disillusionment, which I sensed in Stilton’s

letter. With time one becomes knowledgeable of the position,

establishes relationships and becomes comfortable with the job.

Stilton cited her previous board as an example of a well-run

organization. I, too, served on an outstanding board and commission

before my appointment. However, one cannot compare the Planning

Commission to other boards and commissions in the city as it has

decision making authority, subject only to appeal by the City

Council. With limited exception, the other bodies are advisory to the

City Council, which can accept, reject or modify their

recommendations. Much rides on the Planning Commission’s land-use

decisions, including personal property rights, property values,

quality of life and investments worth hundreds of thousands and

millions of dollars. The televised meetings have a higher emotional

level and sharper debates, which necessitates conducting business

different from the other boards and commissions. For one who served

on another board, the adjustment to Planning Commission can be

especially difficult.

I have enjoyed working with my fellow commissioners and each

brings ideas, interests and concerns that are to be recognized and

respected. Every one of them cares greatly about our city and its

residents. One can disagree with a commissioner’s position or vote,

but never fault their dedication to the city. This makes me proud to

serve on the Planning Commission and I regard each day on it as a

privilege. I am deeply grateful to Councilman Gil Coerper, who

appointed me, the City Council, and the great residents of our city

for allowing me to serve on this tremendous panel.

* JOHN E. SCANDURA is a Huntington Beach resident and Planning

Commissioner. To contribute to “Sounding Off” e-mail us at

[email protected] or fax us at (714) 966-4667.
