
Thoughts from the election journey

After the local election events came to a close, greater reflection

and clarity emerged. As a first-time election candidate for a seat on

the Huntington Beach City School District board I have journeyed a

steep and wonderful learning curve. Coming from the viewpoint of an

educated and dedicated wife, mother and Christian, the exposure was a

bit harsh but largely heart-warming. Being the only district-parent

candidate (other running mates do not have children in the district)

was an overwhelmingly popular position in a grass-roots school board

campaign. Earning more than 9,300 votes for a new and unknown

candidate sends a strong and positive message on behalf of the

passionate parent stakeholders and their community supporters.

Everywhere I went people asked, “Why don’t we have district parent

on the board?” I didn’t have the answers but knew I wanted to be that

stakeholder parent. And others wanted me there, too -- just look at

the numbers. I met friends at every juncture of daily campaign life.

My soccer team girls, the Purple Dolphins, all wanted yard signs to

support me, Coach Thomas. My Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts wanted signs

too! Parents (and their parents) were coming out of the woodwork. I

was amazed and thrilled to see that others wanted educated district

parent representation.

But today, after heart-filled reflection and tons of well-wishers

crossing my path, my message is simple and sincere. I want to express

my appreciation for new found friendships and all that came with that

-- a huge amount of local support from parents and the community. A

grass-roots run at the local school board is an admirable and large

effort to say the least. I cannot express how enjoyable this

experience was for a newcomer with desires to represent district

parents. I am grateful for all the support and want to express my

sincerest gratitude to all my new and old friends alike. Thank you.

* CARLINA THOMAS is a Huntington Beach resident. To contribute to

“Sounding Off” e-mail us at [email protected] or fax us at (714)

