
Taking up for Baglin’s cause

Barbara Diamond

It’s a good thing Wayne Baglin was seated on the City Council dais

Tuesday, otherwise the meeting may have been mistaken for a memorial


Friends and admirers praised Baglin’s contributions to the

community in an unscheduled, impromptu -- and for some -- emotional

display of affection and regard for the outgoing councilman.

“We are here to pay tribute to a special council member who has

served us better than we served him,” Flatlanders Assn. member Rik

Lawrence said.

The tribute to Baglin included cake and accolades interspersed

with public comment on other issues that extended well beyond the

usual half hour.

“I thank you for your constant diligence and preparation for

matters before the council,” Darrylin Girvin said, choking back


Baglin told her during a cake break that she had him choked up,


Girvin said she looked forward to Baglin’s next run for council --

“God willing and Aliso Creek don’t run dry.”

Baglin’s efforts to clean up the creek and reduce pollution

seeping onto city beaches are considered major achievements by him

and his fans.

“I want to thank you personally and on behalf of the Surfriders

Foundation for your efforts,” Surfrider spokesman Rick Wilson said.

“You fought for water quality before it was popular.”

Roger von Butow said he would continue the push for clean water

and beaches.

“You know how angry I am,” von Butow said.

Bruce Hopping announced he was commissioning a sculpture for an

environmental award to be presented annually by Baglin to a person or

organization of his choice.

“Diplomacy and Wayne are not soul mates,” Arnold Hano said.

“Common sense and Wayne are.”

Thirty-year resident Ernest Stuart said he honored Baglin for his


“He has done a tremendous job for the community,” former Planning

Commissioner Kimberly Stuart said.

Bluebird Canyon resident Barbara Slevcove said she hoped Baglin

would run again, but Realtor Gayle Waite said she was looking forward

to seeing more of Baglin in their mutual profession.

“We’ll miss him,” said Mayor Cheryl Kinsman. “He has been our

water quality guy and our real estate guy.”

Councilman Steve Dicterow said that having Baglin on the council

made him lazy. He didn’t have to bone up on water quality issues

because he could rely on Baglin’s counsel.

“I can’t believe I didn’t realize all you guys were going to be

here,” Baglin said. “Thank you so much.”

Despite criticisms of the recent campaign by the public and the

council, Baglin said his losing campaign had a benefit.

“I also lost weight,” he said.

The final count is not yet in, but so far the results are that

Jane Egly came in first, Kinsman second and Baglin third in a

two-seat race.

“This past election was the worst on record in my 43 years in

Laguna,” Eleanor Henry said. “There were outright lies and

distortions by outside money.”

A committee to defeat Baglin was funded by a executives in a local

company and an investor in Montage Resort and Spa.

“Ohana Holdings was approached to fund a poll, but it was not made

clear how the information would be used,” Athens Group spokeswoman

Carol Hoffman said. “If they had known then what they know now, they

probably would not have funded the poll.”

Independent Expenditure or general purpose committee are not

controlled by candidates.

“There were anti-campaigns against all three candidates,” Dicterow

said. “And none of the candidates had anything to do with that.”

Village Laguna sent out “hit pieces” on Kinsman. Laguna Terrace

Park targeted Egly. And the Citizens for Good Honest Government and

Civility in Local Politics and Therefore Against Wayne Baglin didn’t

seem to care who won as long as it wasn’t Baglin.

Councilwoman Toni Iseman held up three mailers she said were

filled with lies, done by “hostile, negative, bottom-feeding


She questioned the motives of Laguna Terrace Park Steve Esslinger.

“What does he want from the city and why does he tinker with our

elections” Iseman demanded.

Esslinger was born and raised in Laguna Beach, son of a

mega-landowner, who sits squarely on the conservative side in

elections. He previously funded a campaign against Ann Christoph, who

like Egly was supported by Village Laguna.

Esslinger could not be contacted for a response.

“This is more important than a violation against the feelings of

the city,” Iseman said. “We have to make sure Esslinger can’t do this

again in two years.”

Otherwise no one will run for council, she said.

The terms of Iseman, Pearson and Dicterow will be up in two years.

Dicterow, who will have completed three terms on the council, has

said he will not run again.
