
There’s a better way to do politics

Looking for the silver lining in all this negative local campaigning?

Here’s one: The biting letters and fliers are firm proof that there’s

no loss for enthusiasm for the election and loads of interest in who

will make up our City Council and school board.

Fliers about what one candidate did and what another didn’t is

part of the norm. But a strange addition to this year’s election has

been some nasty campaigning on behalf of, well not really on behalf

of any candidate, just primarily against one candidate -- Wayne

Baglin. The committee, Citizens for Good, Honest Government and

Civility in Local Politics and Therefore Against Wayne Baglin, backed

by computer distributor Arbitech, has every right to be heard, but

phone calls and fliers with half information aren’t necessary or

helpful. Nor do they really fool anyone.

There’s enough valid information out there that can let voters

know who they align with on city issues. There’s no need to give part

of the facts and build a case against someone on that false


When a candidate makes accusations that are untrue or claims more

than they deserve to, it’s easy to combat, and it only makes them

look untrustworthy.

But when Arbitech comes out and gives half truths it has to answer

to no one. But because the residents of Laguna follow local events so

closely, they know the actual facts. That just makes the actions that

much more pathetic.

So, while the Coastline Pilot endorses no candidates (we trust our

readers to make up their own minds), we do denounce campaign attacks

based on less than the whole story. Let’s hope by the time the next

election comes around these tactics will have been revealed for what

they are -- fruitless.
