
Dedication at Top of the World

Kerry Rubel

On Oct. 15, all of our Top of the World students attended the

dedication of our new facility. Distinguished guests were plentiful,

as Bill Habermehl, Orange County Department of Education

superintendent, joined us for this ribbon cutting ceremony.

The students shared letters of thanks to the community for their

new and improved classrooms, play structure, fields and fancy

bathrooms. The ceremony was culminated by the children’s singing of

our adopted school song, “We’re on the Top of the World.”

Thanks for the day go to Jennifer DeGroote and Diane Bridges for

heading up a committee of volunteers that helped with everything from

goodies to decorations.

Our fall after-school program has an enrollment of more than 300

students. In addition to honor’s chorus, K-Town news, chess, science,

art and writing we have added a garden class. Our TOW outdoor

classroom/garden is a highlight of our new school. Retired TOW

teacher, Terry Hustwick has put in hours of time to ensure that this

outdoor classroom is one that the students learn from. Students have

the opportunity to explore individual garden plots, common plots,

fruit groves, mini greenhouses and watch our giant pumpkin grow.

The next Top of the World PTA meeting will be held at 8:30 a.m.,

Nov. 8. Everyone is welcome to attend.

* KERRY RUBEL is the president of the Top of the World PTA.
