
What is the biggest issue facing the...

What is the biggest issue facing the school district?

I believe the biggest issue we face is the effective

implementation of the Measure C funds. Through Measure C the district

can now repair and renovate our aging facilities while ensuring

diligent oversight and fiscal accountability. Projects are currently

underway throughout the district and although the scope is large, as

school bond measures go, we expect to be completed within five years.

What can be done to keep test scores on the rise?

I am very proud of all our students. This year’s test scores are

excellent. Every school in the district reaches and exceeded their

Academic Performance Index goals. We need to continue to recruit and

recognize exemplary teachers and maintain our student attendance


What needs to be done to bolster the budget? What programs should

take priorities?

Something needs to be done in Sacramento. Education should be one

of the highest priorities, and yet every year school districts across

the state wait and worry until the state budget is passed. We also

need relief from unfunded mandates imposed upon us by the state that

impact our general fund. All programs take priority, any reductions

need to be made as far away from the classroom as possible.

How can school board members better communicate with parents and

the community?

I attend many school site and district-wide functions where I have

the opportunity to meet and discuss issues with parents and the

community. I am also active in the community and receive many phone

calls regarding school and athletics issues. Parents are also able to

e-mail the board by visiting the district website at The district just recently conducted a

parent survey showing a 90% overall approval rating, that 83.3% of

parents are able to get information and that 90.4% feel welcomed at

