
Caring Companions At Home: helping with respite care

Dear Caring Companions At Home:

While I love my mother, I sometimes have mixed feelings about how

much work is involved in her care. Is this normal?

- Vanessa in Irvine

Dear Vanessa,

Caring for a family member can be a lot of work, as well as

emotionally trying. Several years ago, Consumer Reports surveyed more

than 4,000 of its readers, who were family caregivers, and reported:

* 41% were troubled that they had limited time for completing

routine chores.

* 35% were depressed by their caregiving responsibilities.

* 33% felt guilty that they couldn’t be more involved.

* 29% said that caregiving caused increased family tensions.

* 17% said that it interfered with their jobs.

As you can see, many people share your feelings. Keep in mind that

you can always give yourself a break by having a home care agency

provide respite care.

Respite care is part-time companionship for a dependent family

member intende3d to give the primary caregiver some time off.

Respite care can be scheduled for as little as two hours per day

to 24 hours. Many people use respite care on weekends, when they take

trips or when they go on longer vacations. Others use it on a daily


Caring Companions At Home is located at 881 Dover Drive, Ste. 260,

Newport Beach, CA 92663. For additional information, call (949)

