
Spike Spike is a 5-year-old Aussie-Shepard mix....


Spike is a 5-year-old Aussie-Shepard mix. He is a male, has been

neutered and is a beautiful black and tan color.

Spike is amazing to walk. He already knows how to walk at your

left side, and he does not pull or chase after other dogs. He also

knows how to sit and lay. He has semi-long hair that will need to be

brushed occasionally.

Spike is an indoor/outdoor dog, but has lived mostly outside. He

does not chew things, and he loves to play ball, but he does chase

cats, so he would be best in a dog-only home. Spike is very gentle

and is so good when he is walked that a 5-year-old could walk him

with no problems. He hasn’t met a person, young or old, who he

doesn’t love.

One of his favorite pastimes is to roll over on his belly and get

rubs. He will lay there as long as you will rub him.

Please come give our sweet Spike a good long belly rub at the

Orange County Humane Society, 21632 Newland St., Huntington Beach.

(714) 536-8480. The shelter is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.

Visit our website at
