
Soccer Academy begins on Aug. 16 The...

Soccer Academy begins on Aug. 16

The All-England Soccer Academy will return to Laguna Beach on Aug.


Now in its 12th year of conducting soccer camps, the academy will

offer upcoming camps Aug. 16 through 20, Aug. 23 through 27 and Aug.

30 through Sept. 3.

The camps will be held at Moulton Meadows.

All the skills of soccer will be taught throughout the week, and

each player attending the camp will receive a free Vizari soccer


Academy coaches are professional coaches who possess United States

Soccer Federation national coaching licenses.

For more information, call (949) 499-9755.

Local soccer club adds two new teams

The Laguna Beach Soccer Club is adding two new teams to its

program for the 2004-05 season.

A girls’ U13 team has been added, as has a boys’ U10 team.

The girls team will be coached by Natalie Potter.

Potter served as the girls’ junior varsity coach at Laguna Beach

High School last year and is preparing the new squad for the

upcoming fall club season.
