
A curse to end all swells

Ever hear of the Sports Illustrated jinx? That’s when the sports

magazine touts a team or player (usually on the front page) and then

said player or team tanks like no one since, well, the last Sports

Illustrated cover darling.

We can hope that jinx sticks just with cover subjects, otherwise

it might be a small, calm summer at The Wedge. The bodysurfing

Valhalla just was included in SI’s state report on California. It was

listed Who & Where section of 31 sports hot spots and was described

as “America’s toughest bodysurfing waves.”

We all know that, of course. We’ve seen those monster breakers

slamming into the sand and the fearless, bobbing heads dropping in

all directions toward the shore.

But did SI have to make a big deal out of it? The spot seems

fickle enough, already.

Of course, if a long lull does happen, we have a convenient

