
This Fourth, all should be grateful

I am a grateful American.

As I look at the world outside of our beautiful country, I am

saddened at the war and violence that was unleashed on 9/11. I am in

disbelief and feel disgust that terrorist groups in the Middle East

can commit unbelievable acts of violence against innocent human

beings and then make sure our children and families take notice of

this evil as it is posted on a web site for worldwide viewing.

I am grateful today for our American servicemen and women during

this Fourth of July holiday. What great people these are. How lucky

we are to have them helping to keep us safe at home.

I constantly think of how we as Americans can show our gratitude

to these young men and women, who would rather be home today

celebrating the birth of our country with fireworks and hot dogs,

with their families, instead of being alone in a strange country some

8,000 miles away, being shot at by people who hate us and seek to

destroy our country.

One letter of thanks from each of us to a soldier in Iraq,

Afghanistan or other remote place is a small effort to pay for the

great personal sacrifices these protectors of our nation and families

make on our behalf. The address that you can use may be found at


Costa Mesa
