
Power up your pet’s food with Total-Zymes

A growing number of vets are stating that processed pet food is

the main cause of illness and premature death in the modern house

pet. Animals thrive on a 100% raw diet, as they would in nature

because raw food contains enzymes that digest the raw food without

making the pet’s system work overtime. However, feeding an all-raw

diet may not be very practical. The answer is Total-Zymes.

A diet of cooked commercial pet foods puts excess strain on your

entire pet’s system because all enzymes are killed at temperatures as

low as 118 degrees. This requires the pet’s body to produce the extra

enzymes needed to digest the kibble or canned food. A key point is:

enzymes don’t survive the high heats required to process commercial

pet foods. Both kibble and canned foods are cooked!

Symptoms of poor digestion include gas and bloating, loose stool,

poor coat or skin condition, being lethargic, allergic reactions to

pet foods or fleabites, poor general health, bad breath, body odor,

stiff joints, slows healing, excessive shedding, eating own stool, or

just a poorly working intestine. Raw food naturally contains all the

enzymes needed to self-digest and delivers all the nutrients with

little effort or stress to your pet.

Supplementing with digestive enzymes is essential to good health

because they enable the body to obtain nutrients from the pet’s food.

Without digestive enzymes, even the most nutritious foods will not be

of any use to the body. Many veterinarians have found enzyme

supplementation to be beneficial in immune and digestive disorders,

cancer prevention, joint disorders, poor skin and hair coat,

excessive shedding, allergies and lethargy. Total-Zymes is

fundamental to a pet’s health. Before adding extra vitamins and

minerals to the pet’s diet, make sure they are at least digesting and

receiving the benefit of the quality food they are eating first.

Total-Zymes is a high performance broad-spectrum digestive enzyme

formula and is the most complete pet digestive enzyme product in the

world, utilizing 14 high performance plant based enzymes and

L.E.A.D.S. (Live Enzyme Activated Delivery System). This exclusive

system utilizes chelated minerals to ensure enzyme activation and

complete digestion and assimilation of all your pet’s food at a

cellular level.

The benefits of enzyme supplementation are better digestion, which

means your pet’s food will break down better and act more like a

natural raw diet. The stool size will also decrease (as will odor)

because more nutrition will be pulled out of the food, while

decreasing toxic byproducts. Better digestion with Total-Zymes can

improve your pet’s skin and coat, because of the better delivery of

the good fats that are found in quality pet foods. Supplemental

enzymes can also assist in your pet’s recovery from surgery, illness

or injury.

Call (714) 635-6400; visit
