
“Sometimes anger may get you some satisfaction...

“Sometimes anger may get you some satisfaction in the short term but

in the long term it always brings the negative.”

“Deliberately try to train your mind to make the distinction

between positive emotion and negative emotion and try to minimize the

negative emotion.”

“Increase your positive emotion when you face your enemy. If you

can keep your peace of mind, that brings you inner strength. With

inner strength you can face your enemy more confidently.”

“I always smile. Some people respond in a similar way. I smile,

they smile back. Sometimes I smile and the other side looks with some

suspicion. ‘Why does this person smile at me?’ A smile is an

immediate benefit to myself.”

“If your mind is dominated by anger and is judgmental, your brain

may not function fully.”

“Shift inward [and focus on] inner values so that in your

education, your knowledge can be more constructive than just mere

knowledge. Mere knowledge can become destructive for society and for


“Compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, self-discipline, all

religious traditions talk about [them]. We can all learn from each


“Many problems are essentially our own creation, due to our

misbehavior or our previous generations or their previous


“Destruction of your neighbor is also destruction of yourself.”

“You must keep close feeling with your family. Then it can extend

to the community and to society.”

“Unless you know the person’s real attitude and character, don’t

marry...Marriage should take place on mutual respect.”

“We’re all the same. We all have the potential for good and for

bad. You must have a clear distinction of what is good and what is

