
Rohrabacher needs to rethink his lines It...

Rohrabacher needs to rethink his lines

It seems that with this win, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher should

rethink his relationship to Huntington Beach. He has told numerous

people in the past that he does not meddle in the affairs of

Huntington Beach and that, therefore, he could not help in any way to

buy the Bolsa Chica. His participation ($10,000 worth) in trying to

foist Measure E on the people of Huntington Beach belies the idea

that he does not meddle. This was rank meddling. I hope that he and

his protegee Scott Baugh find more constructive ways to relate to the

people of Huntington Beach in the future.


Huntington Beach

Measure E defeat a big win for city

It is encouraging to live in a city where the citizens are so

educated on the issues. The voters were not fooled by the proponents

for districting on Measure E. The massive amount of money thrown into

the yes on districting campaign (more than $200,000, most of it

coming from outside the city) did not work.

It is a tribute to the many citizens who worked so hard walking

the precincts, making phone calls, sending out letters to friends and

standing in front of stores handing out literature. Thanks to the

Steering Committee. A great big win for democracy in Huntington Beach

on March 2.


Huntington Beach

By defeating Measure E on March 2, the people of Huntington Beach

stood up to the politicos who underestimated the intelligence of the

electorate in their attempt to steal control of our city government.

It was mighty effort.

The mere fact that the proponents were willing to commit almost a

quarter of a million dollars in their power grab attempt proves that

it was an effort to create a government responsive specifically to

the proponents’ interests rather than provide the fair representation


Fortunately, the vote demonstrated that ultimately the truth can

prevail over deception and deceit, no matter how much is spent. I am

most disappointed to see that one of the greatest financial

contributors to what could only be described as attempted grand

theft-government was the Huntington Beach Police Officers Assn.

The association wrongly assumed that the provisions of Measure E

would allow them to control the majority of the City Council elected

by five districts and thereby extract extraordinary contract

concessions from the city.

Our citizens should not have to question the integrity of the

officers charged with their protection. Measure E has caused us to do

so. To regain our trust, our officers must now join with the rest of

the community in committing themselves to supporting our

representative government, rather than forcefully overthrowing it.


Huntington Beach

The old saying about not truly appreciating what you have until

you are threatened with losing it was verified by the Measure E

campaign that brought together opponents of the initiative from all

different constituent groups in a concerted effort to not only defeat

the measure but to reaffirm the value of our current system of local


It was obvious that the Measure E folks had a political agenda

that had nothing to do with better representation for our local

neighborhoods and everything to do with increased power for the

special interests supporting the districting effort. One only has to

look at the lists of campaign contributions to see the validity of

that assertion.

I am proud of the fact that the Huntington Beach electorate was

not fooled or flimflammed by the money and the misstatements heaped

upon them by the Measure E proponents. There are no lies or excuses

big enough to possibly cover the 63% to 37% margin of victory rolled

up against Measure E, and its proponents would be wise to lay low for


While I am still angry at the Measure E proponents for wasting the

time, effort, and money the community spent fighting this pipe dream

power grab, I realize it is time to move on and begin tackling the

very real problems and issues still facing our city. The Measure E

proponents would be wise to do the same.


Huntington Beach

The majority has spoken, let’s move on

Defeat for Measure E. Well, the majority has spoken, so let us not

grumble and start blaming the organized coalition that succeeded in

the victory of defeating Measure E because of alleged lies or

misstatements. On the contrary, I believe every voter for Measure E

should give themselves a congratulatory pat on the back.

You created a significant dent in the group that has controlled

our city for so long. It was a significant sign that over one third

of our city’s voters are dissatisfied with the control of our city.

Let us support our city’s leaders but participate more in making

our desires more prominent and rational. We have made the one small

step for our desires now. Let us make the giant step forward for

Huntington Beach and, as individuals, contact the seven members at

large. Let us see if the rhetoric by the opponents of Measure E was

right in that the council will respond as their campaign promised.


Huntington Beach

Coast should be able to sell to foundation

I am definitely in favor of the college selling to who they

consider the best person to buy KOCE-TV. And I think if they felt

that KOCE was best, then they have a right to sell it to who they

want, even if it was a lower price.


Huntington Beach
