
Bolton’s cartoon very funny last week The...

Bolton’s cartoon very funny last week

The first thing I look at when I pick up each week’s edition of

the Huntington Beach Independent is the Steve Bolton cartoon on page

2. It usually gives me a good chuckle. However, the cartoon on the

fireworks made me just flat-out laugh my tail off.


Huntington Beach

Bringing back fireworks is right

I am so excited and pleased the Huntington Beach City Council

listened to the people of Huntington Beach and voted to bring back

fireworks at the beach after a 30-year absence.

I have been a Huntington Beach resident since 1970 and attended

the last pier fireworks show and have missed them ever since. How

many of the City Council members were residents in 1974 and attended

the last pier fireworks show? I do want to thank all the council

members who listened to the public and voted for the fireworks show

and as for council members Dave Sullivan and Connie Boardman, you are

a great disappointment.

Thank God we have a democracy and no districts. This is a perfect

example of why districts are not a good idea. If I lived in

Sullivan’s or Boardman’s district, my opinion would be meaningless.

They already have their mind made up. And who needs a recall if

Measure E passes? I do have great respect for the Huntington Beach

Police Chief Ken Small and would think this event should be

relatively easy for a chief who had to control Daytona Beach, Fla.

during NASCAR races, spring break and bike week. One night of a

family fireworks show at the beach should be relatively easy. Thanks

again City Council for listening to the people of Huntington Beach

and also that we have a democracy.


Huntington Beach

I have lived in Huntington Beach since 1947 and always enjoyed the

fireworks shot from the pier by the Fire Department. You could see

them from most of the town and a good time was had by all. My wife,

Barbara, is a native of Huntington Beach and remembers those good old

days, too.


Huntington Beach

Natural Perspectives political take right on

I think the column by Vic Leipzig and Lou Murray (“Nature lovers

united against Measure E” Feb. 26) was wonderful and right to the

point while the one below was just trash. The Independent should be

more in touch with the people of Huntington Beach.


Huntington Beach

Columnists are a favorite in the paper

I am writing to congratulate you on your two columnists, Vic

Leipzig and Lou Murray and their very interesting Natural

Perspectives column, “Signs of spring are hard to hide in the wild.”

It is the first thing I turn to in the paper. Please encourage them

to continue. Theirs is a voice that is needed in our community. I

live right across the street from the Bolsa Chica mesa and walk the

wetlands three times a week, and I always learn something from Vic

and Lou’s observations.

I am a longtime columnist myself for a police insignia collectors’

publication, and know how difficult it is to maintain readable work

-- they do every week. Thanks for your time.


Huntington Beach
