
Bill could save small classes

The state legislature approved a bill that could save class size


If Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signs the bill by Feb. 21, school

districts will be able to maintain class size reduction at slightly

higher student-to-teacher ratios. Assemblyman Tom Harman voted in

favor of the bill, which passed both houses of the Legislature by

wide margins.

“I was feeling like this class size reduction was really, really

important, and I don’t believe that it should be absolutely

inflexible,” Harman said.

The state pays for the bulk of the program, but will not provide a

penny to a district that cannot afford to put up its share of the

cost of a 20 to 1 student-to-teacher ratio. The bill would also

increase districts’ flexibility in deciding which grade levels would

benefit from the program.

Law requires districts to keep low student-to-teacher ratios in

both first and second grades, but if the bill passes, districts could

select which grade level would receive priority.

If signed, the district could afford to keep class size reduction

in the kindergarten and the first grade, though second-graders would

lose the program, district Supt. Gary Rutherford said.
