
Chandler Chandler is a 2-year-old male Shepard/Samoyed...


Chandler is a 2-year-old male Shepard/Samoyed mix. He is white

with long fur and is housebroken. Chandler is very friendly and

playful. He knows most of the basic commands such as sit, lay and

heel. Chandler is the class clown of the shelter. He opens his mouth

and sticks his nose through the fence making it look like he is

stuck. Visitors to the shelter are always going to the office to get

him help but he’s not stuck at all. Sometimes he even falls asleep

with his nose in the fence. Please come and meet our beautiful but

silly Chandler at the Orange County Humane Society, 21632 Newland

St., Huntington Beach. (714) 536-8480.
