
Playing politics in rape case is absurd...

Playing politics in rape case is absurd

With all the posturing involved in the Gregory Haidl rape case,

isn’t it enough to know there is a 20-minute videotape that captures

the crime? Clearly a serious act was committed, it’s on tape, so

what’s left to argue? Save us from watching our tax dollars being

spent on motions and arguments.

Talk about political grandstanding -- maybe Haidl’s defense

attorney, Joseph Cavallo, needs to take a good, long look in the


Isn’t it a good thing that it appears the younger Haidl isn’t

getting special treatment from District Atty. Tony Rackauckas as a

result of his father’s donations to the Rackauckas political machine?

Didn’t he already get special treatment after getting picked up for

marijuana possession -- after he’d already been arrested for the

alleged rape? And spare me the “poor little boy” reference: Haidl was

plenty old enough to know that what he and his friends were allegedly

doing on the night in question was wrong.

For Cavallo to argue that it’s not about a video or an assistant

sheriff, but rather the political climate in Orange County, is beyond

ridiculous. He’s just doing his job I guess.

The case is about the crime committed, the evidence seems to be

solid, and 18 months down the road, it should be over. It hardly

seems charges need to be “concocted” when the evidence is right

there, in living color, on video.


Costa Mesa

Back Bay photo essay needs to go on the road

Tuesday’s pictures illustrating the Back Bay are so good that I

wondered if photographer Kent Treptow could work out a show with the

Newport Bay Naturalists & Friends at some future time.

An exhibition of his photographic works taken in and around the

Back Bay would encourage people to take an interest in the wonderful

work done by the Friends of the Back Bay and pay tribute to our

“backyard” ecological system right here in the Newport-Mesa


Just a thought and thanks for the great pictures.


Newport Beach

Bush’s statements on terrorism on target

No, I do not think that President Bush talked to much about

terrorism, after all we are at war over this matter. The amount that

he spoke about terrorism, and what we’re planning to do about it, was

fine. After all, he has limited time to talk about other issues.



Terrorism fears are choking our freedoms

I’m a Bush supporter, but I think he should give up on the Patriot

Act. I believe its hurting our civil liberties.


Newport Beach

Mixed feelings on State of the Union

I want to compliment President Bush for his remarks on immigration

reform, which are long overdue. And also his prison rehabilitation

program. But it’s also long overdue.

However, I noticed Sen. Edward Kennedy was deeply appalled when he

was barking about his prescription drug plan. I had to agree with

Kennedy. I felt the same way.

At first I wondered who in the world would find Bush’s ideas on

healthcare attractive. Then I realized that if I were young, healthy

as a horse, had a good income and hated to pay taxes I would vote for

the President Bush’s private, out-of-pocket insurance premiums every

chance I got.

Also, I was saddened by the lack of any comment on the

environment. I really miss seeing Saddleback [Mountain] instead of a

tall and smoggy haze. And I hate to read about our northern forest

being clear-cut by an oil-driven administration that shows only

contempt for our environment.


Costa Mesa
