
NEWPORT BEACH The ranger’s not a pushover...


The ranger’s not a pushover anymore, Yogi

The city’s two park rangers will now have the power to back up

their words when they patrol the city’s parks and playing fields.

The City Council approved a plan to give the rangers power to

issue citations for everything from parking violations to drinking

alcohol and graffiti.

* Residents interested in the nuts and bolts of the Sacramento

budget on the city coffers will be able to get the details from city

staff. Councilman John Heffernan has asked staff members to put

together a presentation on the budget, which will be part of a

regular council meeting to be announced.

* The empty San Joaquin Reservoir will be filled in late 2005,

Irvine Ranch Water District officials announced. The reservoir will

be used to store reclaimed water that the district sells for


-- June Casagrande
