
Celebrating life, paying tribute


What a day Sunday. Now that was a “Laguna Life” day. It really

doesn’t get much better than that; a beautiful sunny afternoon filled

with fun waves. The weather was 70-odd degrees in early January.

I kept thinking to myself, if I weren’t here right now at Pearl

Street enjoying this day, I would be the most miserable person alive.

Sorry mom and dad, but I am happy to say the beach bum in me is alive

and well.

Speaking of Laguna life, it was incredible seeing the hundreds of

people who showed up to pay respect to Laguna’s one and only Joey

Petrovich. The highlight for me came when Eric Henderson began

playing his guitar in a tribute to his friend.

Eric, you don’t need words when you can play like that, you have a

true gift. Don’t take it for granted.

After the service, everyone gathered at the Royal Hawaiian. I

loved seeing all the “Laguna-Lifers” gathered and hearing all the

stories being told of yesteryear. It was truly bittersweet, but I

know Joey would be smiling and probably is.

I decided to take it upon myself to see to it that our town has a

yearly gathering to bring the community together. I don’t know how,

when or where just yet, but it is something I believe in very much.

Anyone interested in helping out with what will be conveniently

titled “Laguna Night” can e-mail me at Jamo@AlohaSchool

In the ever-lasting good spirit of Joey, my thumbs-up award goes

to him and his family. May you all have a “Laguna Life!”


* JAMES PRIBRAM is a Laguna Beach resident, professional surfer

and co-founder of “They Will Surf Again,” a nonprofit foundation

assisting people with spinal cord injuries. He was also a member of

the Water Quality Advisory Committee. He can be reached at

jamo@alohaschool His Web site is
