
Academy performs backstage comedy ‘Moon Over Buffalo’

Tom Titus

When playgoers visit Huntington Beach High School for the Academy of

the Performing Arts production of “Moon Over Buffalo” this weekend,

they should be prepared to laugh. Loudly and often.

Ken Ludwig’s backstage comedy, after all, starred the queen of

television comedy, Carol Burnett, in its original Broadway


Earl Byers, who’s directing “Moon Over Buffalo” in its

one-week-only stint, cautions audiences to look beyond the sight gags

for some classic theatrical structure.

“Ken Ludwig is an author I’ve come to appreciate because he does

his homework,” Byers said. “‘Moon Over Buffalo’ is a contemporary

comedy that is endowed with so many classic roots -- Aristophanes and

his 5th century Greek comedies, Plautus and the bawdy Roman plays,

Moliere and his foppish Restoration fare. All have influenced Ludwig.

Please look for them.”

Byers tells of attending a seminar on farce at Cal State Fullerton

some 20 years ago.

“A respected Russian director from the Moscow Art Theater gave us

a provocative lecture/demonstration whose information I have called

upon more than once,” he said.

“At one point, he labeled this age-old theatrical style as

‘controlled chaos.’ Overstated, yes; oversimplified, yes; however, it

reinforced the notion that tempo, rate and pace were the keys to the


Byers, in his work at the academy, said he always tries to drive

home the point that every scene has a “pulse” of its own and

generally, “it’s never fast enough for me.”

He stresses that “it’s not the rushing of the lines, but rather,

the sense that the plot must move at a rate that demands your

complete attention, then consequently, it frames and compliments the

comedic goal or dramatic intent.”

“This show requires that we focus on all the principles of farce,”

Byers said. “Our author not only knows his history, but infuses his

play with generous amounts of comedy traditions.”

The comedy centers on George and Charlotte Hay, two fading stars

of repertory theater in 1950s Buffalo, N.Y. The couple have just lost

their last chance at stardom and to make matters worse, they have

some personal problems of their own. The plot is full of

misunderstandings, misplaced affections and missing people.

“Moon Over Buffalo” will be presented at 7:30 p.m. tonight through

Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday in the Huntington Beach High School

auditorium. Tickets may be obtained by calling the box office at


536-2514, ext. 302.

* TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Independent.
