
CAP, city, festivals honor talent


Watching the sunset from my deck is awe inspiring, but also reminds

me of my inability to re-create such a scene other than through

words. Sure, it would be fun to try, but I haven’t picked up a

paintbrush since grade school. I would be a perfect candidate for one

of the many art classes available in town, I should check out Laguna

Outreach Community Arts or the Festival of Arts.

In the meantime, I’ll enjoy the work by the real talents around

town. Art Walk, Community Art Project and the Winter Festival are

just three ways to enjoy.


This month’s First Thursdays Art Walk kicked off right with a

pre-event -- a dedication of the “Postcards From Laguna” murals at

the Orange County Bus Depot located at 364 Ocean Ave. The murals each

have their own theme and are designed to represent Laguna through the

eyes of the artist. Ken Auster, Craig Keenan, Mike Kungl and Michael

Jacques won the competition to have their work displayed. There is

also a temporary sculpture installation at the location, “Horse,” by

David Brunetta.

Each of the artist’s gave heartfelt speeches about our community.

The event was a collaboration between the arts commission, Community

Art Project and Festival of Arts. It was followed with a reception

where many gathered to chat, drink wine and snack on hors d’oeuvres.

[seven-degrees] was my Art Walk destination, I was eager to see

their latest and greatest exhibit. [seven-degrees] has to be one of

the coolest places on this planet. Artist Gina Han’s work is

currently on exhibit and her work proved to be a great discovery of

texture, color and mood.


Sunday was another hats off day for Community Art Project for the

unveiling of a new sculpture at their rotating sculpture site. A

crowd gathered to see the sculpture “Wolf” by artist Sharon Loper.

Loper talked about her piece, which is a life-sized sculpture cast

in bronze with a textured surface with the bronze showing off a green

patina. She researched wolves and said that there are a lot of

similarities between them and humans. Contrary to the term “lone

wolf” wolves don’t like to live alone and they typically mate for


A speech by Mayor Toni Iseman, an advocate of a noise ordinance,

gained an ironic twist as two motorcycles, stuck in traffic, revved

their engines. But peace prevailed as Native American flute prodigy

Evren Ozan, 10, performed as a perfect pairing with the art.


To get that holiday feeling kicked into high gear -- Community Day

at the Sawdust Art Festival’s Winter Fantasy is a must. Community Day

is from 3 to 7 p.m. Nov. 22 and everyone gets in free.

Mayor Toni Iseman will light the community tree at the Sawdust’s

Town Square at 5 p.m. Holiday themed music will be performed by the

Laguna Community Concert Band, the LagunaTunes chorus with Pat

Kollenda will sing and California Choreographers Dance Festival will

perform a site-specific dance with a seasonal theme.

This combo platter of the arts is a true collaboration, bringing

different genres into a celebratory mix. Of course the 170 exhibitors

with their specially decorated booths, are a shopping experience to

be had.

Sawdust Art Festival is at 935 Laguna Canyon Road. For

information, call (949) 494-3030.

* SUZIE HARRISON is a reporter for the Laguna Beach Coastline

Pilot. She may be reached at (949) 494-4321 or

[email protected].
