
Intersection needs a stop sign

Lee Reymer II

Most motorists who turn left from Wendt Terrace onto Park Avenue

recognize the danger of this blind intersection. On Sept. 25 the

Parking, Traffic and Circulation Committee approved a six-month trial

stop sign for east bound traffic at that location.

Seventy people, mostly residents of Wendt Terrace, petitioned for

it. This was also endorsed by the Temple Hills Homeowners Assn.

Richard Backus, a traffic engineer for the Auto Club of Southern

California, did a study for the city and he too recommended the stop


This stop is needed due to:

1. The problem of limited view to the west as a result of the

acute angle of the street (30 degrees instead of the normal 90)

2. The long setback of the stop limit line on Wendt Terrace.

3. The heavy growth of vegetation on Park Avenue.

4. Many accidents at that location (five in the last three months

according to a Park Avenue resident).

5. The view to the west is a blind intersection until you are

halfway through a left turn.

All who have experienced this nightmare please come to the City

Council meeting on Oct. 21.

We suggest that you phone the City Clerk’s office to determine

where this item is on the agenda and about what time it will be


There is one council person opposed to this, so we need a big

turnout. Please get up and speak for this safety measure. Any of us

could be killed or be held liable for an accident.

This stop sign is needed.

* LEE REYMER II is a Laguna Beach resident and a member of the

Committee for a Stop Sign on Park Avenue at Wendt Terrace.
