
WHAT HAPPENED: The Planning Commission approved the...


The Planning Commission approved the development of 10

single-family homes on the west side of Lochlea Lane and Lomond



Of the 10 homes, half will be five-bedroom homes with a three-car

garage, and half will have four bedrooms and a two-car garage. The

homes will be close to the beach and worth about $1 million,

Assistant City Planner Ron Santos said.

The smallest home will have a floor area of 3,500 square feet, and

the largest will be 3,624 square feet.

The commission approved the project, a zone change and a tentative

tract map on Tuesday night. The zone change and the final tract map

need City Council approval.


Huntington Beach Fire Marshal Charles Burney gave an update on

preliminary plans for cleanup of the 31-acre Pacific City site at a

study session on Tuesday.


Before development of the Pacific City project can begin, the

site, which formerly housed a Chevron oil field, must be tested and

cleaned up.

Remediation, which will be completed by the Chevron Corp., will

consist of three different phases. The purpose of the plan is to

determine the extent of contamination on the site and decide on a

method for clean up.

The first phase will involve collecting all historical

information. In phase two, the historical information will be used to

determine what kind of sampling needs to be done. In the final phase,

a summary of an active sampling plan and cleanup plan will be


Planners will provide another update on the soil remediation at

the next Planning Commission meeting, which is scheduled for Oct. 28.
