Seniors need the affordable housing The recent...
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Seniors need the affordable housing
The recent decision of the City Council to allow seniors at the
affordable housing project on Glenneyre Street demonstrated that our
leaders are listening to us.
As home values and rents continue to rise in Laguna, it has long
been the concern of many seniors that we will be displaced. Many of
us are long-time residents of Laguna and want to spend our remaining
years in the city we have called home for years.
While we understand that the replacement affordable housing
project was required when Treasure Island affordable housing
(trailers) was removed, we hope you will remember that a number of
those who were living in that affordable housing at the trailer park
were seniors.
Council members Steve Dicterow and Elizabeth Pearson have long
listened to our concerns and their vote to give seniors the
opportunity to live at the affordable housing project tells me that
they continue to listen to, and be concerned for, Laguna’s seniors.
Laguna Beach
Parents need to learn English
Did anyone else have a problem with the lead article, “Spanish
Links”? (Coastline Pilot, Sept. 26)
Am I the only one who was troubled by the notion that Laguna Beach
should have a full time interpreter/liaison for the 100 or so Spanish
speaking parents in our community? Let me first say that I would feel
exactly the same if the parents spoke French or Russian or any other
language, and I would feel the same if it were 150 or 200 or 500
Why in the world should we offer interpreters to parents? This is
America and English is the language. And why can’t their own
children, who presumably speak English, interpret for them? We are
not doing anyone a favor by not requiring them to become proficient
in English as soon as possible. The key to pursuing the opportunities
that America offers is English. We should be supporting assimilation
not balkanization.
Nor was I relieved to read that the funds for this position were
coming from the federal government as opposed to the local district’s
funds. Let us not forget that federal funds came out of our pockets,
too. I have to believe that our money could be better spent.
Laguna Beach
Driftwood project still misses the mark
Three years of work by city staff, applicants and neighbors on the
Driftwood development came to a rather disheartening end at a special
council meeting on Sept. 24.
The approved project has the same footprint as the original; the
18 proposed lots have been reduced to 11 by making each one larger. A
general plan amendment removing a natural watercourse from the city’s
map has been approved to accommodate the construction of a new
street. The required fuel modification for the project is expected to
extend into areas of sensitive habitat.
The revised configuration will require the export of 26,600 cubic
yards of earth (about 1,600 truckloads), and the extension of
Driftwood with parking on both sides of the street is viewed
critically by the Fire Department.
The maximum 6,300-square-foot footprint established throughout the
tract will permit 12,500-square-foot houses on the largest of the
lots -- and this in a neighborhood where the average two-story home
is 2,170 square feet (and two-thirds of the homes are one-story) and
in the context of repeated assurances by council members that
neighborhood compatibility was their goal.
The dedication of open space is of course very welcome, but, given
that the subdivision process is discretionary for the city, the
council could have required an appropriate level of development as
well. City staff originally recommended a seven-lot subdivision with
no general plan amendment, and the neighborhood has sketched a
five-lot subdivision that it considers sustainable from its point of
view. It’s disappointing that the council chose not to insist on one
of these alternatives.
The project must still gain Coastal Commission approval and given
the strong environmental arguments against it, we can perhaps hope
that an appropriate project will eventually emerge.
Laguna Beach
Rasner, not Young, is best for festival
We have been supporters of the festival for many years and have
considerably upped our monetary support due to the work of Bruce
Rasner and his fellow board members.
Only in Laguna Beach do you see the slanderous letters in our
local papers such as the recent one written by Jeff Gates. Again I am
appalled at the dirty politics played in such a delightful small
This past weekend I received a phone call from David Young’s
office asking for my support for Young and his associates. I advised
the caller that I felt it was time for Young to retire and that
Rasner had done and would continue to do an admirable job on behalf
of the Festival of Arts. In addition to that I requested that the
caller tell me where she got my name and phone number because to my
understanding even the board is not allowed to have access to the
list of members. How did Young get a list of members?
Young in his campaign literature has stated that he is against any
“big construction” on the grounds of the festival, however he is on
record for having voted for the approximate $2-million workshop
It is time for everyone in Laguna Beach to sit down and thank
Bruce Rasner for his many efforts, time and labor on behalf of the
festival and in addition to that make sure he is re-elected to the
Laguna Beach
Young wants to set record straight
I feel compelled to set the record straight with regard to Bob
Dietrich’s blatantly misleading letter in last week’s papers(“One
side of the festival election” Coastline Pilot, Sept. 26), as well as
other misinformation being circulated with respect to the upcoming
Festival of Arts board election.
It is true I am again running for the Festival board, but not, as
implied, in tandem with the other folks Dietrich has endorsed.
I am proud to be running as part of a slate with Anita Mangels and
Carolyn Reynolds.
Let me repeat that so there is no misunderstanding. I
wholeheartedly support Anita Mangels and Carolyn Reynolds as the
candidates best qualified to help me and the membership preserve and
protect our festival and pageant. I am supporting no other
candidates, despite misleading statements others may have made.
I am extremely disappointed by the unscrupulous tactics apparently
being employed by Dietrich, and the incumbent board president and
majority, to hold onto control of the festival at any cost.
Dietrich’s letter, obviously intended to confuse festival members as
to who is supporting whom in this race, is only one example. The
incumbent board president, who resides in Laguna Niguel, used the
Laguna Beach return address of one of his handpicked, appointed board
colleagues for his campaign mailer so Laguna residents would actually
think he lives here too.
And virtually every day I hear about outrageous statements this
group has made (never in print, and never where I, Mangels or
Reynolds can respond to them) about what terrible things we would
allegedly do if elected. After 50 years of service to the festival,
including five terms as president, I think most members know better,
but it saddens me to see and hear of these disgraceful and clearly
desperate attempts to mislead voting members and the public.
If we can’t even trust these people to be honest about where their
candidate lives or who is supporting him, how can we trust them with
our precious festival and pageant? That’s why it’s so important to
make a change in board leadership and majority and that’s why I’m
running for yet another term.
I’m asking members to vote for me, and to also vote for Mangels
and Reynolds. Unlike some others, there’s no mistaking where we
stand, and you don’t need a lawyer or a dictionary to figure it out.
We oppose licensing of the pageant in any form, and will work hard to
facilitate fiscal responsibility and accountability, and to promote
more open communication between the board, members, artists and
Laguna Beach
Young, Mangels, Reynolds are answer
Festival of Arts members will soon elect three new board members.
Their votes will determine whether the festival and pageant continue
to flourish in Laguna Beach or whether fiscal mismanagement and
grandiose licensing schemes will reduce them to pale imitations of
the unique, excellent events they now are.
Incumbent president Bruce Rasner has alienated countless festival
members, pageant volunteers, artists and visitors with his arrogance,
secret meetings, free-wheeling spending and unapologetic support of
cloning the pageant in one way, shape or form in other cities. It’s
no accident that all six of his opponents in the upcoming board
election are running against the policies of Rasner and his current
board majority.
It’s been suggested that Rasner should be elected because of his
involvement in the Save the Festival movement a few years ago. On the
contrary, we now have to save the festival from one of the people who
saved the festival.
While any three of the six other candidates would be better for
the festival than Rasner, many of us are supporting David Young,
Anita Mangels and Carolyn Reynolds, who were also deeply involved in
keeping the festival in Laguna and who remain committed not only to
the letter but the spirit of that effort.
David’s long-time involvement on the board, Anita’s nonprofit and
financial expertise, and Carolyn’s insight as the only artist running
make them the best qualified team to get the festival back on track.
Vote to save the festival again. Vote Young, Mangels and Reynolds
for festival board.
Laguna Beach
Incumbent Festival of Arts president Bruce Rasner wants members to
elect him to another term on the festival board. I can think of
nothing worse for the festival and pageant.
Rasner has proven time and again he has no respect for festival
members, volunteers or artists, or the thousands of people who come
here every year because they love the exhibit and pageant just as
they are: unique to Laguna Beach.
He refuses to listen to their concerns about licensing, excessive
spending, the overpaid and arrogant soon-to-be-former executive
director, and penchant for secret meetings and deal-making. Rasner
insults them in private and in print, then hides behind the wives of
his fellow board members, who feel compelled to defend him in letters
to the editor.
While Rasner deserves our thanks for what he did to save the
festival, he doesn’t deserve our votes this time around. We don’t
need to spend millions of dollars on unnecessary projects like
covering the Irvine Bowl, building a new museum or subsidizing
expensive restaurants on the grounds and we don’t need to facilitate
competing productions of the pageant in order to pay for it.
There are several candidates running for the board. In my opinion,
David Young, Carolyn Reynolds and Anita Mangels are best qualified to
help reverse the damage Rasner has done and get back to the business
of truly keeping the festival and pageant here in Laguna. I encourage
members to vote for Young Reynolds and Mangels.
Laguna Beach
Dietrich rebuttal was off base
A treasurer needs to be very accurate and have attention to
detail. However, Festival of Arts Treasurer Bob Dietrich wrote a
letter to the editor which was published in the Coastline Pilot on
Sept. 26 and was full of inaccuracies.
I object to Dietrich writing: “I have read with interest and some
entertainment, Gene Felder’s battle to stop improvements for the
Pageant of the Masters and Festival of Arts facilities. In his recent
ad in the Laguna Beach Independent, he called for a stop to ‘big
construction’ at the festival. While Felder and his associates have
called for stopping the improvements (even to include law suits) ...
” None of this is true, all inaccurate and without attention to
detail. And I am not entertained.
I spoke to Dietrich and he says he believes my views were
expressed in an ad that I placed in another paper a few weeks ago. He
does not have a copy, and the editor of the paper can find no such
view expressed by me in an ad or a letter to the editor.
Volunteers should be appreciated, however, members have a right to
elect new board members. I agree with Dietrich that we should all
vote for Festival of Arts board member David Young. To support David
Young, if you are eligible to vote in the upcoming Festival of Arts
board election, we should also vote for David Young’s slate: Vote for
David Young, Anita Mangels and Carolyn Reynolds.
Laguna Beach
Letter misses the horror of Pinochet
In a mailbag section posted on Sept 26 (“Film society already
causing a stir”) Gene Felder responds to a film segment dealing with
what he calls the “Allende good/Pinochet bad affair,” and considered
it a bad piece of “pure propaganda.”
He goes on to describe the historical context that justified
military intervention and noted that, all things considered, this
event was “less bloody than any other major 20th Century revolution”
and resulted in the “best outcome” given the political and economic
stability that Chile is presently enjoying.
Felder, perhaps you are right to assume that this film (which I
have not seen) offers a very polarized view of the events. Your
statements however are just as narrow minded. In addition, they are
incredibly ignorant and insensitive of the tragedy that befell many
Chilean families, who are struggling to find some closure in the
search of their still unaccounted for loved ones.
A three year fact-finding international investigation resulted in
the eventual arrest of Pinochet for committed atrocities against
humanity. In a sorry twist of fate, Pinochet, now of advanced age,
has been diagnosed with dementia and therefore cannot stand trial. So
there may never be a resolution that will satisfy the victims and
Pinochet’s mind will spare him the torture of the memory of the
crimes committed. The official death toll in this coup stands as
3,197, almost identical to the number of people killed on the Sept.
11 terrorist attack. Most of the casualties (the majority of them
civilians) were reported as having been shot in the street or
machine-gunned in the Santiago soccer stadium.
Reportedly more than 60,000 Chileans were tortured under the
dictatorship and 1 million left the country to escape political
repression. This was a violent overthrow of a democratically elected
president. That he was selected by a minority vote doesn’t make the
process less valid. Our current U.S. president was not a product of a
popular vote but the culmination of a democratic / republican
process, and those who are not happy with this outcome will be able
to exercise their opinion with their vote in the next presidential
elections, without a need for military intervention.
Allende was not able to turn around an economy that had already
been going sour when he took over. His economic reforms were ill
advised and too radical and his stubborn attitude and refusal to
change cost him a significant loss in popularity and eventually, his
life. The Chilean political system provided electoral avenues to
express dissent, yet a long planned and heavily U.S.-supported
military coup truncated any attempts of democratic resolution.
Up to the time of the military overthrow, Chile had been the
country with the longest history of democratic government in Latin
America. That they have bounced back from 17 years of military
dictatorship and a tragic history of repression and human rights
atrocities is largely due to their great cultural preparedness and
their allegiance to a democratic ideal that they hoped to recapture
one day.
You also fail to mention that Pinochet’s takeover, and the
military rule that followed, was executed and maintained with the
blessings of the United States government. Alarmed by the rise of a
leftist leadership, and with the goal of protecting its investments,
Washington and the CIA provided economic support to military and
radical right-wing groups adverse to Allende’s party line. The U.S.
also provided lists of “subversives” and assassinations of high
ranking exiled political leaders were carried out by Pinochet with
the full knowledge of the top U.S. foreign advisor at the time, Henry
Assuming an incredibly arrogant attitude, Kissinger summarized the
U.S. intervention and support of the military dictatorship with the
following statement: “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a
country go Communist because of the irresponsibility of its own
But, as they say, you don’t have to take my word for it. Please
visit the National Security archives of George Washington University,
which display a few of the declassified documents on the subject:
Another visit to the Human Rights Watch Web site may help you
understand that behind your “could have been worse” estimation there
are victims, dead and alive, that will be forever marred by this
tragedy and may never achieve the dream of realizing the justice that
they so much want and deserve.
Laguna Beach
Too bad Gene Felder hasn’t heard of the recently declassified
documents on Sept. 11, 1973. He would have learned what the rest of
the world has known for 30 years: that the CIA-sponsored Pinochet
coup did overturn a democratically elected government which resulted
in thousands being killed, tortured and disappeared.
The lucky ones went into exile, the rest suffered 18 years of
terror and misery. History has a way to reveal the truth. Again, too
bad some cling to their propaganda.
Laguna Beach
The Coastline Pilot is eager to run your letters. If your letter
does not appear, it may be because of space restrictions, and the
letter will likely appear next week. If you would like to submit a
letter, write to us at P.O. Box 248, Laguna Beach, CA 92652; fax us
at (949) 494-8979; or send e-mail to [email protected].
Please give your name and include your hometown and phone number, for
verification purposes only.
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