Village supports pedestrians Village Laguna is pleased...
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Village supports pedestrians
Village Laguna is pleased that the city has hired a consultant and
is moving ahead with the analysis of transportation and parking
issues in the Downtown area.
As everyone knows, the Downtown was an important focus of the
Vision Laguna process, and the idea of making the Downtown more
pedestrian-friendly was an objective shared by most, if not all, of
the working groups. In particular, the group on Resident and Visitor
Mobility was very strongly supportive of a pedestrian-oriented
Downtown and put forward several specific recommendations to achieve
that end. That group also believed that any useful analysis of the
Downtown area must be based on quantitative data rather than on
anecdote and opinion.
Therefore, we appreciate that the current analysis has begun with
the collection of data. These quantitative data must, of course, be
directed toward achieving the qualitative objectives of the citizens.
Therefore, we want to encourage you to see that the consultants are
asked to focus on the pedestrian environment as the key to retaining
and improving the character, attractiveness and long-term viability
of the Downtown.
Village Laguna has been supportive of providing peripheral parking
to ease traffic and parking problems in the Downtown area, especially
in the summer time. Currently, the Act V parking lot with free tram
service to the Downtown is serving that purpose. Free tram service
along Coast Highway also helps to reduce traffic and the need for
parking in the Downtown during the summer.
We are concerned about the current proposal to change the design
for the Village Entrance that won the design competition to a
different plan that would result in fewer overall parking spaces and
would shift more parking and traffic to the Downtown Village Entrance
area. We think that it is very important to analyze parking needs and
traffic problems separately for the summer and winter periods as
there is the perception that parking is not a significant problem in
the winter. The current traffic study could test the reality of that
perception. It may well be appropriate to propose solutions that
would address separately the parking and traffic concerns of these
We understand that the consultants are going to be interviewing
representatives of key organizations and stake-holders in town. We
would very much like to be included in that group.
President, Village Laguna
Film society already causing a stir
Now there is an exciting event the second Thursday of each month.
Kudos to all involved with the Laguna Beach Film Society. Building
upon the fine work of the Exchange Club, the Laguna Beach Film
Society is a new organization sponsored by Laguna Art Museum, which
began its inaugural season with the film “09’11”01.” There were no
empty seats at the Laguna South Coast Cinema.
Primarily dealing with Sept. 11, 2001, it was great. However,
there was a pure propaganda segment on the military coup overthrowing
Salvador Allende of Chile Sept. 11, 1973. It was an Allende
good/Pinochet bad puff piece.
In fact, the Chilean revolution was less bloody than any other
major 20th Century revolution and it produced the best outcomes,
including the last 13 years of democratic rule by center-left
governments. Although by a minority of the vote, Allende was
democratically elected in 1970. However, in 1972, his Socialist Party
proclaimed that the bourgeois state is not suited for the
construction of socialism; that its destruction is necessary ... “we
must conquer all power.”
Former presidents and the Chilean judiciary and legislature tried
to thwart Allende’s power grab. James Whelan writes, “Faced with
illegal seizures of farms and factories, of defiance of judicial
orders, unchecked street violence and death threats against the
judges themselves, the Supreme Court warned on May 26, 1973, in a
unanimous and unprecedented message, that Chile faced ‘a peremptory
or imminent breakdown of legality.’ Three months later, on Aug. 22,
the Chamber of Deputies -- which had come within two votes of
impeaching Allende -- voted a resolution which said ‘it is a fact
that this government has been, from the very beginning, bent on the
conquest of total power ... so as to implant a totalitarian system.’
It was in that setting that Gen. Pinochet and the heads of the other
armed forces acted.”
The Film Society’s membership includes admission to all our
monthly screenings, detailed updates via e-mail of the upcoming films
and programs and invitations to members-only receptions and programs.
Membership with museum discount is single $125 or dual $200.
See https://www.lagunaart or call (949)
494-8971, ext. 200 for more information.
Laguna Beach
One side of the festival election
I have read with interest and some entertainment, Gene Felder’s
battle to stop improvements for the Pageant of the Masters and
Festival of Arts facilities. In his recent ad in the Laguna Beach
Independent, he called for a stop to “big construction” at the
festival. At the same time, he is backing a slate of candidates for
the Festival Board that includes David Young, a staunch supporter of
the pageant and supporter of the pageant improvements.
While Felder and his associates have called for stopping the
improvements (even to include law suits), their own candidate, Young,
voted with a unanimous board to proceed with the final phase of a
$3-million project to improve the safety and working environment for
our pageant guests, staff and volunteers. Young even offered to build
the project. Why is Felder promoting a candidate that is not in step
with his personal agenda?
We now have a board that is working in unison with the City
Council of Laguna Beach to finally repair decades of neglect to the
festival and pageant. Two current board members, Bruce Rasner and
Young, have voted consistently to see that our heritage is protected.
Both are current candidates for the board. Rasner has continuously
asked the tough economic questions and Young has made sure that
tradition has been honored. When all is said and done, they have come
together as a team to make sure that the festival and pageant, along
with volunteers, patrons and staff, are properly protected.
I would strongly urge the citizens of Laguna Beach to vote for
Rasner and Young. Rasner is the only current exhibiting festival
artist running for the board, and Young will always seek to protect
the pageant. We need to see both the festival and pageant represented
in the composition of the board.
Pageant volunteer and board candidate Richard Hawthorne has been
working back stage and understands the needs of the pageant more than
those who claim support the Pageant, but pay no attention to the
needs of the pageant staff and volunteers. Hawthorne’s decades of
business experience will be a needed addition to the festival board.
We need to make sure that the promises made by the festival to the
city are kept to insure the basic safety of the people using and
enjoying the festival facilities. Please support the pageant and
festival staff, volunteers and guests. Vote for Rasner, Young and
Hawthorne for the festival board.
Laguna Beach
Another side of festival election
As a voting member of the Festival of Arts, I have done my best to
learn about the candidates for board of directors and about the
issues facing the festival and pageant. My conclusion is that Anita
Mangels, Carolyn Reynolds and David Young are the best qualified to
fill the three vacant seats coming up for election.
Mangels, Young and Reynolds are committed to truly keeping the
festival and pageant in Laguna -- something the incumbent president
and board majority give lip service to but undermine by their
continued support of mass producing the pageant for money in other
Mangels, Young and Reynolds will take a common-sense (what we
need), long-term approach to spending the Festival’s hard-earned
dollars (not like others), prioritizing expenditures by necessity and
fiscal reality, in sharp contrast to the free-wheeling and whimsical
blank-check approach of the incumbent president and his majority.
Perhaps most importantly, Mangels, Young and Reynolds have a clear
understanding have and commitment to, the mission of the festival: to
promote art and art appreciation in Laguna Beach. They will take
seriously their fiduciary, ethical and moral responsibilities as
stewards of a 70-year legacy. They will put the interests of the
festival before those of Hollywood promoters or others who see an
opportunity to make a quick buck at the long-term expense of the
festival and pageant, or of opportunists who see the festival as a
launching pad for their own ambitions.
I’ve taken a good hard look at the direction the festival is
going, and at the president and board majority that’s taking us
there. I don’t like what I see. It’s time for a change, and we could
do no better than Mangels, Reynolds and Young to help us re-focus on
what’s important.
I urge my fellow members to join me in voting for Mangels,
Reynolds and Young for festival board.
Laguna Beach
It’s not surprising that embattled Festival of Arts president
Bruce Rasner has enlisted a few of his friends, colleagues and even
the wives of fellow board members to write supportive letters to the
local papers about him.
But no amount of praise about Rasner’s contributions during the
initial battle to save the festival can disguise the fact that he has
gone from being an asset to a serious liability on the festival
During his term as president, Rasner has presided over a deeply
divided board whose majority has espoused licensing our pageant to
other cities -- although when asked he dances around the subject by
saying no deals have actually been made, or parses the definition of
the concept with a skill worthy of Bill Clinton. Most of us are smart
enough to figure out that if he’s not willing to state in plain
language that he won’t pursue or support helping other cities produce
their own versions of our pageant, it means he has every intention of
doing just that.
The members who’ve weighed in on licensing are overwhelmingly
opposed, as are the artists, volunteers and patrons who’ve also
spoken up on the subject. Rasner seems to have forgotten that as an
elected director of a nonprofit organization, he is answerable to the
membership. We can’t afford to keep him on just because he did the
right thing a few years ago.
Benedict Arnold was a hero of the American Revolution until he
sold West Point to the British. Luckily, he was stopped before the
deal went through. Rasner is running for re-election to the festival
board. Hopefully, the members will vote him out before he sells our
pageant to the highest bidder.
Laguna Beach
The Festival of Arts can save itself additional wasted funds if
the members vote now to dump Board President Bruce Rasner. Otherwise,
the festival is facing the cost of a recall to oust him.
Rasner has seized on the festival as his cushy retirement package,
hoping it will offer him the opportunity to hawk his photos.
Anyone who’s attended one of his “meetings” knows that his style
is dominating, obnoxious and replete with just the sort of
half-truths that earn lawyers a bad name. Painfully absent is the
collegiality and mutual respect required to be effective in a
community of artists. Rasner is grotesquely ill-suited to the job.
After playing a part in ousting the previous president, he hired
Steve Brezzo, who had been chased out of San Diego. Rasner hires him
for $175,000 per year (plus a bonus). .
Forced to call an artists meeting to answer growing concerns about
his out-of-control spending, Rasner holds court for 45 of the 60
minutes and then stomps his feet and threatens to resign (Hooray!)
when confronted with a direct question.
Now he’s lined up a cabal of sycophants who are singing his
praises in the press, doubtless hopeful Rasner will include them in
his hoped-for Traveling Road Show. Anyone who knows him knows he’s
the last person who should be representing the Laguna Beach arts
community anywhere. His financial judgment is flawed and his style
lacking any semblance of professionalism.
Rasner has endangered the festival -- both its finances and its
reputation. He’s also endangered the artists. The festival should be
spared the cost of a recall to remove him from the board. Dump him
now or dump him later.
Laguna Beach
Festival of Arts members will soon elect three new board members.
Their votes will determine whether the festival and pageant continue
to flourish in Laguna Beach, or whether fiscal mismanagement and
grandiose licensing schemes will reduce them to pale imitations of
the unique, excellent events they now are.
Incumbent president Bruce Rasner has alienated countless festival
members, pageant volunteers, artists and visitors with his arrogance,
secret meetings, free-wheeling spending and unapologetic support of
cloning the pageant in one way, shape or form in other cities. It’s
no accident that all six of his opponents in the upcoming board
election are running against the policies of Rasner and his current
board majority.
It’s been suggested that Rasner should be elected because of his
involvement in the Save the Festival movement a few years ago. On the
contrary, we now have to save the festival from one of the people who
saved the festival.
While any three of the six other candidates would be better for
the festival than Rasner, many of us are supporting David Young,
Anita Mangels and Carolyn Reynolds, who were also deeply involved in
keeping the festival in Laguna and who remain committed not only to
the letter but the spirit of that effort. Young’s long-time
involvement on the board, Mangels’ nonprofit and financial expertise,
and Reynold’s insight as the only artist running make them the best
qualified team to get the festival back on track.
Vote to save the festival again. Vote Young, Mangels and Reynolds
for festival board.
Laguna Beach
As a former Festival of Arts Board member and a founder of the
Committee to Keep the Festival in Laguna Beach, I am strongly
supporting nominees David Young, Anita Mangels and Carolyn Reynolds
in the upcoming board election. I am doing this because I’m concerned
about the direction and future of the festival and pageant under
incumbent president Bruce Rasner and the current board majority.
We saved the festival a few years ago because the board, under
then-president Sherri Butterfield, insisted on pursuing its own
ambitions and agenda. It held festival members, volunteers and
artists in utter contempt and employed an insidious strategy of
closed session meetings, secret deals and putting out misinformation
to the public to advance its goal of moving the festival and pageant
to San Clemente.
Now many artists and volunteers are expressing these same serious
concerns, which I share, over the direction the festival is taking
under the Board President, Rasner. Rasner seems to have embraced the
Butterfield model of questionable, badly prioritized spending;
misleading, inadequate disclosure, and the encouragement of corporate
raiders he once condemned.
Unless we make some changes on the board, there is a real risk of
over-commercialization, including possible syndication of the
pageant, that would strip the festival and pageant of the very charm
and unique qualities that have made them so successful for the last
70 years. Keeping the Festival in Laguna won’t mean much if we allow
its very essence to be altered beyond recognition.
This isn’t an issue of not appreciating the work Rasner did in the
past to help save the festival. That can’t and shouldn’t be denied,
but there’s a tremendous disconnect between what he did then and what
he’s doing now. I strongly believe that currently, the greatest risk
to the festival’s future is Rasner’s re-election to the board.
We need to get back to basics, and Young, Mangels and Reynolds are
the best team to help us get there. To keep the Festival and Pageant
as we know and love them, I urge members to join me in voting for
Young, Mangels and Reynolds for festival board.
Former Festival Board Member;
Co-founder, Committee to
Keep the Festival in Laguna
Beach; and Festival of Arts
Exhibiting Artist
The Coastline Pilot is eager to run your letters. If your letter
does not appear, it may be because of space restrictions, and the
letter will likely appear next week. If you would like to submit a
letter, write to us at P.O. Box 248, Laguna Beach, CA 92652; fax us
at (949) 494-8979; or send e-mail to [email protected].
Please give your name and include your hometown and phone number, for
verification purposes only.
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