
A demand for equal rights

Ila Johnson made her fear and loathing of homosexuality very clear.

She used the terms “their deviant, unhealthy and narcissist

affliction,” “this unnatural affliction,” “their unfortunate

condition” and summed, “homosexual lifestyle,” as “complete sexual

license [with] total absence of traditional morality and any sense of

right and wrong.”

We hear you loud and clear, Johnson.

From what I can gather, the “gay agenda” is about as unreasonable

and socially destructive as was Martin Luther King Jr.’s “black

agenda.” Like all Americans, homosexuals expect equality under the

law. The same tax rates apply but not equal protection or civil

rights as heterosexual citizens enjoy.

Homosexuals have every right to demand “their lifestyle” being

affirmed, and their sexual preferences and unions deemed on par with

those of heterosexuals.

If Johnson has Biblical hang ups about homosexuality, that is her

problem. Civil rights are above and beyond religious dogma or

personal revulsion in this country.

I found her observation that views for and against equality for

homosexuals “cannot co-exist” appalling. The idea that “one must

eventually prevail,” flies against the meaning of tolerance.

Johnson, one view has prevailed for two millennia. It resulted in

violent deaths for uncounted numbers of homosexuals. In the years of

Nazi Germany, those numbers were en masse, and today, they are the

deaths of individuals.

It is time that this ignorant, vicious, mindless and inhumane

world view of Johnson’s join with the witch hunts, public executions,

the stoning of adulterers, the Inquisition, Jim Crow and others of

similar worth from our past.


Costa Mesa
