
Protesters of pastor’s decision are misguided

Kathy Lewis

I was very saddened by the picketing of a handful of our

Spanish-speaking parishioners at St. Joachim Sunday morning, who were

displaying not only unkind but unjustified complaints against our

pastor, Father Joseph Robillard.

I have been a parishioner for 26 years and have been very active

in ministry here and in other parishes I have attended in the past.

I have worked for many pastors but never, in the 36 years of

working in ministries, have I found a more fair-minded, compassionate

and unbiased individual as I have found in Robillard.

This parish provides spiritual support for around 4,500 people who

attend Sunday mass every week. And of those, 3,000 are from the

Spanish-speaking community. They are loved, treasured and nurtured

here. They are not only educated in their faith but helped in

immigration services, nutrition, housing, literacy programs and much


Children and adults alike receive sacraments here of baptism,

confirmation and Eucharist. Our teens have a very active youth

program that provides counseling for our youth and their families by

employing a full-time youth minister, who not only ministers here on

campus, but does many outreach services -- even for our youth in the

juvenile jail systems.

We provide excellent religious educational experiences for all

children, no matter what language they speak. We provide disability

ministries and senior ministries. We have 76 plus active ministries

here at St. Joachim.

How does this all get done? By people who are committed to God,

this parish and to Robillard, our pastor.

All this does not happen unless you have one great leader, who has

a vision and a mission that the people of St. Joachim’s support --

one family together in Christ.

Change is never easy but, as always, Robillard is looking for the

welfare of all his people. Sometimes a true leader must make tough

decisions. And not everyone is going to agree. But as a true shepherd

of his flock, he is willing to do what is right and what is best for

all people here. I support him 100%, not only as a parishioner but

also as a member of the staff.

* KATHY LEWIS is the director of Liturgy, RCIA, Evangelization,

Disciples in Mission and Bereavement at St. Joachim Church in Costa

