
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hatz announce the...

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hatz announce the marriage of their son Jason

Hatz to Debbie Weberski of Willits, Calif.

The wedding and reception took place on Aug. 30 at the Grand

Traditions in Fallbrook.

Jason Hatz is a 1996 graduate of Laguna Beach High School. The

couple met while attending San Diego State University. After

honeymooning in Hawaii they will make their home in Point Loma.

* The Coastline Pilot publishes engagements, wedding announcements

and anniversaries free of charge. Please include a self-addressed

stamped envelope if you would like your photo returned. Send items to

the Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot, P.O. Box 248, Laguna Beach, CA

92652; fax them to (949) 494-8979; or e-mail them to

[email protected]. Submissions must be received two weeks

before publication.
