
What will the school year bring?

Funny, it seems like we can still hear the faded strains of “Pomp and

Circumstance,” a cap tossed in the air and a valedictorian speaking

of the virtues of hard work and charity.

So it’s hard to believe it’s been a couple of months since we

celebrated the achievements of the class of 2003 and kicked off a

summer of surf and sun.

But it’s true.

And now, the first week of school is upon us, as are all the

hopes, dreams and aspirations of a new set of students who will

graduate in 2004 and beyond.

Still, we wonder what distractions will try the teachers and

parents this year.

Will the state recall election of Gov. Gray Davis be bad news or

good news for schools?

Will overcrowding hurt the classrooms?

Will it be more rounds of budget cuts, slicing deep into the

coffers that fund public education?

Will it be bad news or good news on standardized test scores?

Will it be CIF championships and academic triumphs?

Will school board members ban books or ban certain fashion looks?

It’s all so hard to predict.

But with all the bad press that schools have to dodge all year

long, we do know there are a few things that are easy to predict.

Students will climb to amazing heights in academic achievement and

honor and set their sights on the highest of goals.

A teacher will turn on a light bulb in at least one student’s mind

and change that young person forever.

And parents will stand by their children through triumph and

tribulation, teaching them to be good adults and citizens.

Just like the rites of autumn, those things never change.

So we bid adieu to summertime and carefree days.

It’s time to get back to school, and we wish you all the best.
