
Thanks for remembering Gray

I just want to extend a thank you from the whole Lunde family for the

article that former Pilot editor William Lobdell wrote about the Gray

Lunde Ironman in the Daily Pilot.

Every year, there seems to be an article written about the event,

but none captured the true meaning of the race like his article. I

think, for the first time, those that read this article can

understand why we keep my brother’s memory alive through this race.

It is not about those who finish first or those who finish last -- it

is about those who overcome adversity and finish.

Now and again, I get choked up thinking about my brother. The

article choked me up a little, but it also brought a smile to my

face. Lobdell’s description of Gray smiling at my dad and then

pulling away recalled a picture in my mind of his unforgettable

smile. I thank you for that.

I will be there racing next year. I hope to see you there.

Thank you.


Costa Mesa
