
This is how we do it in ‘the O.C.’

Michael Arnold Glueck

Most all the local newspapers are having a field day making fun of

“The O.C.,” Fox’s new TV series, which in turn pokes fun at Newport


Well, let’s look at some of the things that are true and poke a

little fun at ourselves. These are not meant to be offensive to


The Newport Top 10

10. On Tuesday night’s episode the Mom Realtor/developer asks,

“How can a contractor just disappear?” Well, anyone who has ever

built or remodeled here will tell you contractors vanish daily --

particularly after they’ve ripped up your place.

9. Some homes do have imported ceramic curtain holders.

8. There are two families in Newport that don’t have large killer


7. Half the wives are in real estate and decorating.

6. And many do look like or are ex-beauty queens.

5. The next-door father is a “financial advisor” who is in

“financial trouble” and needs to borrow $100,000 to pay bills. Many

residents here say their advisor loses that much per client, per year

-- or per month.

4. The Newport Police Department does have several minority

officers, making this a culturally-diverse community.

3. Bikinis plus blouses are dress attire for many teenage and

adult Fashion Island shoppers.

2. The caring good guy father is a lawyer. Well, some parts are


1. In the end there are people and families in Newport Beach that

truly care and give from their hearts to help out the less fortunate.

So maybe we’re pretty good after all.

And in sum remember that these days any publicity -- even

previously thought bad -- is deemed good.

* EDITOR’S NOTE: Michael Arnold Glueck is a Newport Beach resident

and physician.
