
Nicole Seymour, an Edison High School...

Nicole Seymour, an Edison High School 1997 graduate, has completed

study at the University of California Los Angeles. She graduated

summa cum laude and with college honors with a major in American

literature and culture and a minor in women’s studies in June 2001.

She will begin a five-year fellowship at Vanderbilt University in

Nashville, Tenn., in the fall ... Bill Saska and Roxann Ciancio of

Huntington Beach have been selected to serve on the executive

steering committee for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

Orange County Race for the Cure. Saska, whose sister died from breast

cancer, has volunteered for the past eight years and is in charge of

T-shirt distribution. Ciancio will serve as the secretary ... Michael

Tucker of Huntington Beach and 400 of his fellow Marines of the

Combat Assault Battalion have returned home from participating in the

ninth annual Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training exercise in

Southeast Asia. The assault battalion worked toward enhancing

regional cooperation and promoting understanding of operational

military readiness in Thailand, Brunei, Singapore and Malaysia ...

Derek Shelly, a student at Golden West College in Huntington Beach,

has been awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the Coca-Cola Scholars

Foundation. The foundation awards 400 scholarships annually to

students attending education institutions granting two-year degrees

... Christin G. Schulte, a 2003 graduate of Edison High School, has

entered basic cadet training at the U.S. Air Force Academy in

Colorado Springs, Colo., in preparation to enter the first academic

year at the academy ... Erin Nettifee, a graduate of Huntington Beach

High School, has received a bachelor’s degree from Northwestern

University’s Judd A. and Marjorie Weinberg College of Arts and

Sciences. Nettifee was an American history and mathematics major ...

Huntington Beach residents Kristin Deatherage, Kristopher Leblanc and

Michelle Pelletier earned bachelor’s from Northwestern University ...

Alexander J. Williams, son of Alexander B. and Jacqueline H. Williams

of Huntington Beach, has been awarded an Air Force Reserve Officer

Training Corps college scholarship. He was selected based on test

scores, scholastic achievement, evaluations, activities and community

involvement ...

* NEIGHBORS is news about Huntington Beach people achieving and

doing good in the community. To submit information to this feature,

please send it to the Independent, Attn.: Neighbors, 18682 Beach

Blvd., Suite 160, Huntington Beach, CA 92648; fax it to (714)

965-7174; or e-mail it to [email protected].
