
Corona del Mar coach will appear on...

Corona del Mar coach will appear on TV

Corona del Mar John Emme and his attorney, David Shores, will

appear on “Good Morning America” some time between 7 and 9 a.m.


The two will discuss a lawsuit that parent Marc Martinez brought

against Emme in July 2001 claiming that Emme ruined his son’s chances

of playing college baseball. The complaint said the coach made J.D.

Martinez pitch too many innings, leading to a damaged arm. That

lawsuit has been thrown out.

Jamboree Road construction begins

Roadwork began this week on Jamboree Road between Bison Avenue and

University Drive and could continue through the first week in


All American Asphalt’s contract requires the company to complete

within 65 days work now underway to beautify the landscaped medians,

improve irrigation on the medians and resurface the roadway with

rubberized asphalt.

Traffic delays could continue through the construction period.
