
Festival and Pageant are a hit with...

Festival and Pageant are a hit with Chamber

Everyone knows the world-renowned Pageant of the Masters, and the

Festival of the Arts is a major part of the success it creates for

the rest of the businesses in Laguna Beach.

It draws crowds from around the world to our town. These crowds

stroll through our city buying gifts for friends, art for their homes

and dine and stay in our wonderful restaurants and hotels.

But I am not sure how many in our community are aware that each

year the Pageant gives many of the nonprofit groups free tickets as a

way to raise money for their worthy organizations.

The Pageant is directly responsible for the success of the

Chamber’s biggest fund-raiser, The Hometown Barbecue. This event is

now in its eighth year at the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce and is

key to our yearly budget for programs and services we offer our

members and the businesses community. Thank you to Pageant of the

Masters and Festival Board Members and staff for giving back so much

to our town of Laguna Beach.


Chief Executive Officer

Laguna Beach Chamber of


Nichols was on the mark about Mexicans

Politicians should keep the endorsements of Councilman Dick

Nichols whose statement is correct and I agree.

Mexicans tend to take advantage of opportunities in the public

domain and in great number!


Laguna Beach

Please, Andy, Prop 13 is great for the state

Is Andy Wing for real? While I may agree with him about the recall

of Gray Davis, he goes half-cocked about Proposition 13 being the

cause of Sacramento’s woes.

This law has been on the books for 25 years and certainly isn’t

the reason for a budget shortfall. He needs to blame the spending

mentality on the politicians in Sacramento, who last year had plenty

of money.

In fact at the rate that California real estate turns over as well

as new home construction our legislature has a cash cow.


Laguna Beach

The Coastline Pilot is eager to run your letters. If your letter

does not appear, it may be because of space restrictions, and the

letter will likely appear next week. If you would like to submit a

letter, write to us at P.O. Box 248, Laguna Beach, CA 92652; fax us

at 494-8979; or send e-mail to [email protected]. Please

give your name and include your hometown and phone number, for

verification purposes only.
