
CdM alumni tourney held today

Eighteen teams are confirmed for the 15th annual Jack Errion Memorial

Corona del Mar alumni basketball tournament, scheduled to begin at 8

a.m. today.

Tournament Director Robert Hess said the oldest players come from

the Class of 1972.

Players seeking to get on a team may show up this morning.

Each team pays $200, which pay for T-shirts, referee costs and a

silent auction. The money leftover goes to the CdM basketball


The 1970s team of Mike Flamson, Mike Murphy, Steve Erlinger, Cory

Alder, Court Shannon and Casey Jones are the defending champions.

Teams are randomly selected and each squad is guaranteed two

games. Two wild-card games will begin at noon to determine which

teams advance to the round of 16. Once the final 16 teams are set,

the tournament shifts into single-elimination.

The championship game is tentatively scheduled for 4:30 p.m.
