
‘Late Nite Catechism’ a hilarious treat

Tom Titus

Somewhere, between the gentle goofiness of the musical “Nunsense” and

the murderous satire of Christopher Durang’s “Sister Mary Ignatius

Explains It All to You” lies a precious little comic gem entitled

“Late Nite Catechism.”

It’s been prowling stages across the country and the world for the

past 10 years, a one-woman show that’s a rich, robust dose of

hilarity in a habit. And it’s finally touched down at the Laguna

Playhouse to fill the one dark Monday evening when “Harvey” is taking

a rest.

An extraordinary benefit for Laguna audiences is that its star

(and there are several versions currently regaling audiences at

various locations) is Maripat Donovan, who created the show with

Vicki Quade in 1993 and has been performing it ever since. You might

think she’d be tiring of it; think again.

Donovan is an extraordinary comic who inhabits her authoritarian

character as if she were born to the cloth -- and woe betide the

audience member who’s chatting, provocatively attired or answering a

call of nature. She takes a back seat to no one in the field of

interactive theater as she discusses the joys of dispensing equal

doses of religion and corporal punishment (no longer the latter,

however, since times and parental attitudes have changed).

Her audience, in fact, supplies a good 50% of her material, for

Donovan is incredibly gifted at improvisation and creating an

extended routine out of a seemingly innocent playgoer’s comment. She

may not know what her patrons/students are going to come up with

next, but be assured she’ll top them, and quickly.

Now I’m not Catholic, never was. But, having recently directed a

production of “Sister Mary Ignatius,” I’m familiar with the

territory, and Donovan mines much of the same mother lode as does

Durang, only in a much lighter vein. The “immaculate conception”

versus the “virgin birth” is prominent in both plays, as are the

defining of purgatory and limbo and the disenfranchisement of

Catholic saints.

This satirical sister simply assumes she’s hosting a gathering of

Catholics -- and it’s surprising just how many audience members were

raised in that faith, and give their “confirmation names” as well as

the ones they were born with. Those who answer her questions

correctly are rewarded with glow-in-the-dark rosaries and other nifty

trinkets; those who don’t suffer the torments of the damned, or at

least the damned embarrassed.

If you saw Monday night’s opener and return this coming Monday,

chances are you’ll catch a show that’s markedly different, although

the structure remains the same, as does its hostess who’s large and

in charge. Donovan can elicit a hearty laugh just by rolling her

Marty Feldmanish eyes.

“Late Nite Catechism” has about three times the laugh quotient of

“Harvey” at half the length, and “Harvey” is a pretty funny show.

Even if you didn’t grow up Catholic, you’ll be howling at the antics

of this perpetually unflappable authority figure who fields loaded

questions from the audience with the smoothness and aplomb of David

Eckstein scooping up a grounder and turning two.

The show runs Mondays through August during the big white rabbit’s

nap time, but Donovan inhabits the habit for only two more weekends,

when she’ll be replaced by another sister act. It’s far and away the

funniest show you’ll see all year.

*TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Coastline Pilot.
