
Recall effort run out of Costa Mesa

Paul Clinton

The San Diego congressman who has become the poster boy for

Republican efforts to recall Gov. Gray Davis is running his own

campaign out of an office near the airport.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Vista), who has sunk $1.7 million of his own

money into the recall effort, opened an office near John Wayne

Airport in late May, a spokesman for the congressman said.

“It’s an excellent central location,” said Jonathan Wilcox, a

campaign spokesman for Issa. “We’re very convenient to the airport.”

Plus, he noted, “there’s an excellent source of supporters” in

Orange County.

After qualifying for a fall ballot Wednesday, the recall

initiative gained more steam Thursday when Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante

announced the measure would go to a vote on Oct. 7. Voters will also

be asked to choose a replacement candidate from a list of names that

will include Issa.

Jack Kemp, Bob Dole’s running mate in the 1996 election, was

reported Thursday as a possible gubernatorial candidate.

Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger has said he is considering a run.

Businessman Bill Simon, who lost to Davis in 2002, has said he is

also mulling entering the race. Green Party candidate Peter Camejo,

who also ran in November, has said he would run, and state Sen. Tom

McClintock has formed an exploratory committee. Former L.A. Mayor

Richard Riordan has also been mentioned.

Davis has said, according to press reports, that he will “fight

like a Bengal tiger” to stay in office.

“I hope Bengal tigers don’t fight like Gray Davis,” Wilcox said.

“I expect Gray Davis to try everything to hold onto power. The mess

he created won’t clean itself up.”

Other Republicans lauded Issa’s decision to open a campaign

headquarters in the heart of Orange County, a GOP bastion.

“Costa Mesa is going to be part of California history,” said

Assemblyman Ken Maddox, the city’s representative. “If it weren’t for

Darrell, it’s unlikely the recall would have been qualified.”

Issa’s office is at 3199 Airport Loop Drive. Earlier this week,

Issa also launched a Web site,
