
Don’t be afraid of the herb


“Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the

face of all the earth ... “

-- GENESIS 1:29

“ ... life emits a fragrance like flowers and sweet-scented herbs

... “


Of the approximately 300,000 known species that comprise the plant

kingdom, nearly 2,000 have been identified for culinary, fragrance or

physic uses. Nature, in her infinite wisdom, has given us a bounty of

useful plants that make our lives more enjoyable ... we need only to

experience them.

Before you rush down to your favorite nursery and select a

plethora of herbs at random, muse about the kind of herbs you wish to

grow. Most of us are not herbalists and we grow herbs mainly for

culinary uses and simply because they’re intriguing and fun.

But you might decide to grow herbs solely for their fragrance or

for their medicinal qualities. Or perhaps you are interested in a

collection of geraniums or lavender. Whatever you decide, make a list

of herbs that interest before you begin. There is no better time to

start growing herbs than now.

While herbs are not that particular about soil and watering, you

must first determine where you will grow them. Most herbs prefer at

least six hours of sunlight, although parsley, nasturtium, angelica

and others will tolerate less. Try to select a site free of heavy

wind and away from the competition of large shrubs and trees.

Although every plant has particular preferences or requirements

for soil preparation, it suffices to say that herbs, like most

plants, thrive in well draining soil. Because she grows roses and

citrus, Catharine finds that herbs are much less finicky. Dig down

twelve inches and add a good planters mix, Gypsite and Gro-power.

That’s it!

All perennials require regular water the first season. Once

established, you’ll discover many herbs are drought tolerant. The

best advice still remains, water according to your experience and the

individual plant’s needs. Remember when grouping plants together,

select plants with similar cultural requirements.

Lack of garden space needn’t discourage you from growing herbs, as

they grow well in any type of container. Be aware than soil will dry

more quickly in porous materials like clay and wood. Always use

packaged potting soils, as garden soil is too heavy for use in pots.

Water as soon as the soil is dry one half of an inch down. Watering

may be a daily occurrence in hot, sunny locales.

I certainly do not recommend spraying toxic chemicals on edible

herbs to control pests. Hand picking is the most sensible solution to

battle larger insects, while washing off aphids and spider mites

makes good sense. When infestations approach the danger level, then

one should resort to insecticidal soaps or pyrethrum-based


Nestled within the quiet confines of the garden, the sweet

fragrance of flowers and herbs fills the adjoining patio. The family

has gathered to honor dad on June 15th. The homemade dill sauce

tastes wonderful with the salmon, even though it’s your

mother-in-law’s recipe ... the dill, however, was picked fresh from

your garden earlier this morning. See you next time.

Mom’s Dill Sauce

2 tablespoons butter

2 tablespoons flour

1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill (from your herb garden)

1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice (lemon from your


1/4 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon pepper

dash of nutmeg

1 cup milk

Put butter, flour, dill, lemon juice, salt, pepper and nutmeg in a

small sauce pan. Over low heat, stir until blended. Add milk, and

continue stirring until smooth and thickened. Serve warm over fish.


* STEVE KAWARATANI is the owner of Landscapes by Laguna Nursery,

1540 S. Coast Highway in Laguna Beach. A “local” guy, he makes his

home with wife, Catharine Cooper, an artist and writer, and their

three cats. He can be reached at (949) 497-2438, or by e-mail at

[email protected].
