
Gone fishing

Jenny Marder

The catfish weren’t biting much, but no one seemed to care.

Samantha Dunn, 12, from Marine View Middle School, couldn’t stop


More than 100 young fishermen and women from special education

classes throughout the city spent Friday morning trying to reel in

the 450 pounds of catfish that had been dropped into the small pond

before the event.

In the 10th annual fishing derby, the children learned how to cast

and reel in lines and waited hours for the fish to bite. Top prizes

were awarded to those who caught the highest weight.

About 50 volunteers assisted the children, many of whom had

physical or mental disabilities.

“I can’t believe I’m fishing,” Dunn said, grinning.

The Ol’ Fishin’ Hole Derby was sponsored by the city’s community

services department and the Huntington Beach Kiwanis Club, which

donated $1,500. The California Department of Fish and Game provided

the fishing poles, and the Huntington Beach Rotary Club hosted a

barbecue lunch for the participants.

First, second and third prizes were awarded to Ana Delgado,

Leticia Perea and Abraham Sahagun, respectively. Westmont Elementary

School was the highest placing school, with a total of 42.75 pounds.

“The fish sort of slowed down toward the end, but it was a good

day,” said Dottie Hughes, recreational supervisor for the city and

organizer of the event.

Delgado, a student from Warner Avenue Christian Academy, said

she’ll probably take her two fish home and eat them.

The children arrived at 8 a.m. and fished until noon, when they

broke for prizes and lunch. . Those who weren’t so lucky at catching

fish were offered fishing poles and certificates, so nobody left

empty handed.

“A lot of these kids have never been fishing before,” said Kathy

Kline, a teacher’s aide for the junior high classes. “All they’ve

talked about for the last three days is going fishing and catching


The bait were worms and chicken liver -- typical catfish bait,

said Mac O’Connell, one of 15 firefighters from the city’s fire

department who volunteered to assist the youngsters.

Teresa Marin, 12, from Stacey Middle School in Westminster, said

she wanted to bring the fish home alive and put it in her fish tank.

“You get to feel what it’s like to catch a fish,” she said. “And

it’s fun not to be at school.”

Financial donations came from the Municipal Employees

Organization, the Huntington Beach Fireman’s Assn. and the Huntington

Beach Police Officers Assn.

“It’s a day outside doing something fun,” Hughes said. “All that

matters is that they had fun. They had a good time.”
