
Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce 2002-03 Business...

Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce


Business Development Council

* George Blanc, major contributor toward the Business Development

Council, 2002-2003

* Bill Horttor, major contributor toward the Business at the Beach

Expo 2003

* Linda Ramge, major contributor toward the Business at the Beach

Expo 2003

* Kevin Priestley, chairman, Business at the Beach Expo 2003

* Ray Saporita, chairman, Ambassadors, 2002-03

* Linda Velez, Ambassador of the Year, 2002-03

Civic Affairs Council

* Roger Alford, major contributor toward the Government Affairs

Council, 2002-2003

* Philip Bettencourt, master of ceremonies, Police Appreciation

Breakfast 2003

* Debra Legan, major contributor toward the Government Affairs

Council, 2002-03

* Paul Watkins, major contributor toward the Government Affairs

Council, 2002-03

* Lloyd Ikerd, major contributor toward the Government Affairs

Council, 2002-03

* Marion Halfacre, co-chairman, Newport Beach Fire & Lifeguard

Appreciation Beach Party 2002

* John Braegar, co-chairman, Newport Beach Fire & Lifeguard

Appreciation Beach Party 2002

* Jerry Sewell, chairman, Education Committee, 2002-03

* Mike McGuire, Education Committee, 2002-03

* Larry Willis, Education Committee, 2002-03

* Marshall Steel, chairman, Clean Harbor Day 2003

* Mark Silvey, chairman, Marine Committee, 2002-03

* Rush Hill, major contributor to the Building Task Force

Committee, 2002-03

Membership Services Council

* Stanford Green, coordinator, CEO Program 2002-03

* Marcus McKee, major contributor to the Management of Information


* Tom Wilck, chairman, Communications Committee, 2002-03

* Marie Case, chair, Membership Services Council, 2002-03

Special Events Council

* Kirk Dawson, chairman, Irrelevant Week Welcome Reception 2002

* Bill Pierpoint, chairman, Irrelevant Week Welcome Reception 2002

* Dan Hamilton, chairman, Sandcastle Contest 2002

* Seymour Beek, chairman, Flight of the Lasers 2002

* Duncan Forgey, chairman, Ring of Lights 2002

* Bill Mountford, parade control chairman, Newport Harbor

Christmas Boat Parade 2002-03

* Pat Swope, parade control, Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade


* Rick Kaufman, parade control, Newport Harbor Christmas Boat

Parade 2002

* Jim Muhic, parade control, Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade


* Mehdi Eftekari, co-chairman, Christmas Boat Parade Awards Dinner

& Auction 2003

* Izzie Izzo, major contributor toward the Special Events Council


* Dick Sivertson, major contributor toward the Special Events

Council, 2002-03

* Christine Brown, major contributor toward the Special Events

Council, 2002-03

* Bill Gunderson, major contributor toward the Special Events

Council, 2002-03

* Jim Bloomquist, major contributor toward the Special Events

Council, 2002-03

* Joe Woldenberg, major contributor toward the Taste of Newport,


* Pat Smith, “Hostess of the Mostess,” Taste of Newport

Hospitality Tent 2002

* Lula Halfacre, chair, Taste of Newport 2002

* Hal Pisors, Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade 2002

* David Janes, chairman, Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade and

co-chairman, Christmas Boat Parade Awards Dinner & Auction, 2002-03

* Norm Witt, chairman, Athletic Awards Breakfast 2002 &

Scholarship Awards Breakfast 2003
